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I’m a bit late to reply to everything and reading things below, but you did not ‘warn me’ days prior. You made those responses the day I made an announcement.

Inspect elemented? Mate when you were banned from the server, none of your messages were deleted. Anyone can scroll up and see the live feed of your message history on the server - which proves its not inspect elemented.

Err yes you did. You just happened to delete the message after System sent that screenshot to DevForum lol - may I remind you that all the previous chat history that you said in the server also still exists? I’m also happy to screenshare my own DMs that I had with you with people.

As I’ve repeated before, you leaked everyones information in the public chat in #general on the Discord. The chat messages of you admitting it is still there.

Bro there are messages of you in general saying “Here’s all your clients info” and yes anyone can check just search that in the discord. Stop making yourself the innocent one because your far from that and you should be banned.

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can anyone explain to me what these sites are used for cause i have no clue :confused:

Okay, If he leaked your “alias” or something, He didn’t mean to since he blurred it out the snapchat before, second, if someone leaks your data, why do you leak EVERY SINGLE persons data just because of one person?

Domains for websites (, e.g.)

That’s perfectly fine if my messages are still there, again, I am not here to play lawyer over Devforums. Like I said multiple times Doeke, since you have such an issue with me, maybe it would be in your best interest to file a case in a court of law so I can show you what it’s like to be shut down IRL. You talk a big game, which is why you got put into this situation in the first place. You continuously brainwash yourself to believe you’ve done nothing to have any of this happen, but again, had you not instigated the situation, we wouldn’t be in said situation. I have a case here, you don’t. File a case, enough talk on a public thread.

For someone who “doesn’t want to keep this going” as you have claimed, you sure do love to come in here and have the last word hours after we all agreed to stop. Maybe this is proof to your community you sure do like to instigate things after they’ve calmed down? That’s why other members have already private threaded me explaining they apologize as there is more to the story than they originally thought and that you had just as much of a cause of this happening as I did

He was under the impression it was my real name, so that right there was justification for me to snap back

They are used to host html and PHP files under a subdomain (, I wouldn’t suggest you make this your home hosting, though. The directadmin server he operates through is not his and is a product of the imaginary country he is trying to form named Verdis. You simply can’t claim a body of water that is in another country as your country lol. Anyways, According to my associate after some digging it’s come to light he won’t be able to afford the domain in the years to come. His domain valuation went up $300 since I developed the panel. We are going to work with namecheap to have it re-evaluated as that was a valuation from my panel directly.

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that does not give you the right to call him “autistic” in an insultive way.

Freedom of speech bud. Learn what it is. Seems like the US gave me that right

the devforum rules. Learn what that is.

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I never attacked his Autism on dev forums. I clearly pointed out he has it. You’re trying to pin me for accusations that didn’t happen on this platform. I’m pretty sure I haven’t broken any DevForum rules, As you all claim. You’re attempting to use falsified conversations that were held on Discord as a liable way to get me in trouble here

However, we could flag this thread for going off topic and just get the whole thread deleted lol

Does not mean you need to release ALL YOUR CLIENTS information, Thats screwed up in the head.

Freedom of speech and hate crime are two different things “bud”

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Hate crime? Now you’re just spewing out bogus laws that I definitely did not break

Hate Crime as defined by USC - a crime, typically one involving violence, that is motivated by prejudice on the basis of race, religion, personal orientation (lgbtq, etc) , or other grounds.

I committed no crime, but you’re not going to settle for that. As I’ve said hundreds of times, if I truly committed a crime, sue me.