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Because we were on good terms and it wasn’t a ‘flex’. I was just happy to have gotten a job I’d enjoy just like how you told me about a job that you got.

Let’s all use RBX domains, where he fails to ensure his clients data stays protected. Negative review 100%

Leaking data is on you mate. As I have repeated many times, i should have bind you into contracts so this didn’t happen, but you leaking is your fault. You chose to leak that info, not me.

You mean the job I made you believe I was working? The funny part is, I didn’t respond where/what I was working until you said something kiddo. Use that peanut brain for a minute. The more you fight, the more I respond

Did this really became a debating thread?

As a service owner, you have a obligation to take steps to prevent “leaks” that you claim I performed. A simple contract would’ve suffused, but oh wait that’s right you’re not even old enough to be locked in a legally binding contract

So I’m not allowed to have a casual conversation about work? Talking about getting a job I enjoy isn’t a flex. I was just happy to have gotten a job I enjoy and wanted to talk to someone about it. idc if you lied about what you work for lol that’s on you not me idek how that matters

Here we go kiddo :joy: you threatened to call the police and I’ve been here begging you do it

You did perform it. The live chat logs still exist in the Discord server. Stop saying you didn’t do it when the blatant evidence still exists.

guys stop please and move somewhere else to debate

Context bud. I am waiting for your “court case” you keep telling people you’re filing to prove you wrong in every sense

Who said I was filing a court case? Lol

That’s other people saying that, not me

Just like you say I said stuff that I never said? Seems hypocritical huh?

Well you did say stuff because it all still exists in the server and anyone can go back to it. It’s not just a screenshot but live feed lol

At this point, I think I’m done responding here. I have plenty of evidence of defamation. I’ll be taking a trip to the court house after work :blush:

Sure you do that lol. Can’t wait til they look at the ‘case’ and see information about you leaking peoples information, calling me autistic, etc with live evidence

(Defamation is illegal in the UK as well)

You mean see things that aren’t against the law here? Nor does it apply to your directadmin servers as you said yourself, they’re hosted in the US. They’ll look at what I am complaining, not what was said booboo

Freedom of speech, no data protection laws

Who said you did, I wasn’t talking about Codex, Goober or “TheyCallMeBen” He goes under a lot of aliases.