The original intent of the camera mode was as a tool for in house usage to take cinematic footage for use on streams and such. It wasn’t until after it was finished that we all thought it was pretty cool and should be given to a game’s developers. So its features, such as the black lines giving a different perceived resolution, were definitely shaped by its original intended purpose.
This shouldn’t be a problem because when fixed it will only activate when the freecam has already been turned on. I don’t have strong opinions either way on keeping or removing the letterbox though.
I think this might be used as a cheating tool in some games, particularly ones that involves hiding.
Oh, okay. :3
Also, I’m a fan of you!
Welcome to the devforums, where everyone is secretly a fan of everyone.
lol true
Sorry for bumping this, but is this disabled now?
I can’t seem to activate it anymore.
The key shortcut was too general and likely to cause collisions so it was changed. The FreeCamera is activated with Ctrl + Shift + P now.
Still seem to be unable to activate it.
I noticed that the free camera scripts are not always consistently inserted, a marketing contractor had problems recording in our event game half the time so I ended up just adding FreeCam to our codebase and adding it manually, which solved the issue.
@SaturnianNightmare could you try starting a new server in your game a few times and testing each time whether it works? Please report whether it works sometimes or it if really doesn’t work 100% of the time.
Thank you whoever made that change! I couldn’t shift sprint and hit P in my game without the activation of the camera.
I’m also having this exact problem. It’s driving me crazy - it was so good to make promotional videos with.
Edit: I think I figured out the why. If you have a character respawn using LoadCharacter(), it makes the FreeCamera consistently never work. I believe this used to not be the case a few updates back, but I could be mistaken.
Ironically enough, my game uses LoadCharacter() so players can choose when to respawn.
Hopefully it’s fixed.
Make sure to file it as a bug report if you can isolate it on a baseplate (i.e. calling LoadCharacter on a baseplate causes FreeCam to break). They won’t fix issues that are not properly reported.
Don’t mean to bump. But a group game of mine is experiencing a bug where certain group members (who do not have access to edit the games) have the ability to FreeCam. I’m wondering if anyone else has experienced this, or knows of some solution. Thanks.
May be a good idea or opportunity to allow us to set our own keybinds?
Please use Platform Feedback to report bugs or request features related to FreeCamera