Freezing glitch in game

Right clicking the top bar on windows in windowed view causes your game to freeze. This also prevents your character from being moved, and moving parts seem to not collide with your character while frozen.
This happens 100% of the time in every roblox game.

This is a fairly well known bug, but I haven’t found any posts about it. There is also another way to use this bug to walk through any wall under 1.1 studs thick.
This only works sometimes
This may be hard to reproduce but I’ll give all the steps here
Align your character flat against the wall, then push your character away slightly using shift lock and rotating your camera. Then straighten your character again and turn off shift lock.
Wait about a second, it doesn’t work if you do the rest immediately after aligning yourself.
Tap W and freeze your game, wait a bit and unfreeze. If you’re lucky and the wall is thin enough, you’ll be on the other side.

(This also works in R15 but is harder due to animations)

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