I have just made a site that gets a filterlist, it is always up-to-date because it uses http://www.noswearing.com to load the newest words so if you think it is missing some word you can post them there as the change there will affect the filterlist: http://swearfilter.roblox.cheatmaster18.net
A script to make the filter work for they that don’t want to make the chat-filter:
hs = game:GetService("HttpService")
filterApiSite = "http://swearfilter.roblox.cheatmaster18.net"
filterList = {}
filterList = hs:GetAsync(filterApiSite)
filterList = hs:JSONDecode(filterList)
function filterChat(msg)
local new_msg = ""
for i in msg:gmatch("%S+") do
local word = i:gsub("%p+","")
local new_word = word
for _,v in ipairs(filterList) do
if word:lower()==v.swearword:lower() then
new_word = string.rep("*",v.swearword:len())
if word~=new_word then
word = i:gsub(word,new_word)
word = i
new_msg = new_msg .. (new_msg=="" and "" or " ") .. word
new_msg = new_msg:gsub(" ","¤")
for i in msg:gmatch("%s+") do
new_msg = new_msg:gsub("¤",i,1)
return new_msg
I have tested the filter with some few words on a privat-server and it works great it only filter the swearwords the rest is unfiltered.
I’m not very sure if I want to use this filter. [/quote]
oh if you mean with that “replacement” then I don’t use that I just choosed to take it with, instead I make the words in “swearword” to be “*”, also I did not make the words as I said, my site just loads all the words it finds from another source.
Have did so it now only shows the swearwords as default, to show the replacement-words add “?replacement=true” at the end of the url
You can add words in your own language as long as it support the gui in roblox. I have already started to add in my own language if you wonder some of the words at the bottom.
So I tried to use this for my game, but is there a way to make this list return true/false whether the inputted word is on the filterlist or not? No replacing at all; just checking if the word is there. [size=1](I’m not that good at HTTP service and I’m just making the script break horribly.)[/size]
I made a PHP Sided filter a while ago (before this was made) to filter my chat Roblox-style but turns out HttpService doesn’t send profanity to web servers.