Friendlist Filter & Search is not anymore available

Hello, I’m back with more bugs I found.
I noticed that the filter and search function no longer exists at my Friendslist ?!

Here is an example how it looks like for me right now:

But as far as I remember it should look like this without any problems (I found this screenshot from google pictures):

Switching on an alt account to view and test the bug looks the same.


This is just an acknowledgment announcement!

We’ve filed a ticket into our internal database for this issue, and we will update you when we have further information!

Thanks for the report!


Hi PharOs! You are really good at noticing changes! This is actually an intentional change as we rewrite this component and aim to simplify the page

Thanks for the quick response (on behalf of the OP). I’m assuming this is related to the friends limit increasing?

Also, can you take a look at this duplicate report on why this functionality was actually super helpful & maybe consider adding it back and/or provide a more in-depth response as to why it was removed?

CC @Abcreator

I see, thank you for the quick response. I hope we at least get the search function back, as it was incredibly powerful. It will be even more valuable once we reach the maximum of 1,000 friends on the list.

It’s a bit of a hassle searching for my friends at the moment

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It is back today at the time of posting this

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Note that it appears to just be temporarily rolled back, the new (paginated) endpoints are not being used when the search bar is visible; which means it likely isn’t efficient enough for use with high friend counts as implied by staff confirming these changes as unfortunately intended.

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