Function doesn't work for some reason

is button selectable?

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Yeah, the InteractButton is selectable.


Yeah the InteractButton is also active

… can you show how button looks ingame?


It’s a button which appears when you pick up the tool. Currently it does nothing when clicked.

try to create new button and replace current, dont change anything except name

So I need to rename the button?

only new one, to “InteractButton”. Just create, rename it, and put in InteractGUI (take out the current button)

I did it but it still doesn’t work

this is very weird. it should work.

It might be because of another script, like the localscript inside the tool

local InteractGUI

	if not game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("InteractGUI") then
		InteractGUI = script.Parent.InteractGUI:Clone()
		InteractGUI.Parent = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui


That is the localscript, I think it’s made to put the GUI on the screen when you have the tool equipped

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lets head in personal messages?

How do I enter personal messages? I’m a starter Roblox developer and I also don’t know parts of DevForum


if Debounce == false then


if not Debounce then

That doesn’t really help since the function command is the problem, not the contents inside of it.

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this is dont matter.
if Debounce == false then more readable for me.

Is it server script or local script? Like what @10kgoldxdrip said.

It’s a server script, however will try out a new method which will require localscript, I’ll keep you notified on how the method goes

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The quotes here are not right (in the image). I don’t know where you got these quote marks from but the start quote is upside down, and the last mark is normal.

Use these quotes: ""

or press SHIFT and '

I know this sounds dumb, but I think this is why.