Function isn't running useing :GetPropertyChangedSignal property

He’s talking about that local scripts can only run in certain locations:


So I need to make the run context client on the current server script, or do I need to make a new server script, make the run context client, and paste the old local script into it?

Make a new server script, make the run context client, copy paste the old local script’s code into it and then place your new script where your old localscript was

Thanks, I’m now getting the error “Argument 1 Missing or Nil” on the firing of the remote events. (I’m really sorry if this is getting annoying I do appreciate the help a lot)

GetPropertyChangedSignal doesn’t pass any values. You need to find who the player is by checking who the occupant is and finding the corresponding player.
You’ll then want to save this to a variable as when the player exits the seat the occupant will no longer exist, so you’ll want to remember who was just seated.

You can find the character’s player by doing game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(seat.Occupant.Parent).


LocalScript inside of StarterPlayerService, Code:

local players = game:GetService("Players")
local replicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

local seat = game.Workspace.Seat

	local occupant = seat.Occupant
	if property ~= "Occupant" then
	if occupant then
		local character = occupant.Parent
		local humanoid = character.Humanoid
		local player = players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(character)
		if player then
			print(player.Name.." seated")
			seat.ProximityPrompt.Enabled = false
		print("no longer seated")
		seat.ProximityPrompt.Enabled = true

Works perfectly fine for me, and didn’t have to use a remote
event like the other guy has been telling you to do…

If this worked, then mark it as the solution.

Again, he’s doing things on the client.

The seat isn’t just a seat its a car seat so I’d have to find that through I,v in pairs or finding the parents of a part passed through the remote event.

I’m to tired for this lol I am sure I am doing something INCREDIBLY stupid


local Seat = script.Parent.Parent
local ProximityPrompt = script.Parent

local Ownership = ProximityPrompt.Ownership
local Locked = ProximityPrompt.Locked

local LockedPrompt = script.Parent.LockPart.ProximityPrompt

	if Seat.Occupant then
		ProximityPrompt.Enabled = false
		LockedPrompt.Enabled = false
		ProximityPrompt.Enabled = true
		LockedPrompt.Enabled = true

	if Ownership.Value == "" and Locked.Value == false then
		Ownership.Value = Player.Name
	elseif Ownership.Value ~= Player.Name and Locked.Value == false then
	elseif Ownership.Value == Player.Name and Locked.Value == false then
	elseif Ownership.Value ~= Player.Name and Locked.Value == true then

ServerScript but with client run context:

local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local Player = Players.LocalPlayer

local Seat = script.Parent

	if Seat.Occupant == Player.Character.Humanoid then
		print("Player in Seat")
		script.Parent.Parent.Body.FrontLeft.ProximityPrompt.Enabled = false
		script.Parent.Parent.Body.Left.ProximityPrompt.Enabled = false
		script.Parent.Parent.Body.Right.ProximityPrompt.Enabled = false

	print("Player in Seat")
	script.Parent.Parent.Body.FrontLeft.ProximityPrompt.Enabled = false
	script.Parent.Parent.Body.Left.ProximityPrompt.Enabled = false
	script.Parent.Parent.Body.Right.ProximityPrompt.Enabled = false

Again, I know like you’ve already said.

I did mine on the client and it work, like shown in the gyazo GIF.

Seat.Occupant.Parent, I thought seat.Occupant was the character but it was the humanoid.

He’s clearly being seated on the server. That would not be getting replicated to the client. .Changed is functionally identical to getpropertychangedsignal.

Thats not mine point, I wans’t talking about property/change events

yeah so you’d compare it to player.character.humanoid?

Why not type the code for him if mine ins’t the solution.
You also keep explaining several times but he keeps getting stuck,
if you did actions instead of explaining then it would probably be more beneficial to him, so that he can understand you better.

I give up with this topic, bye.

1 Like

No, you’d run game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Seat.Occupant.Parent) and it would return the player. You’d then use this to fire the remote.

local Seat = script.Parent.Parent
local ProximityPrompt = script.Parent

local Ownership = ProximityPrompt.Ownership
local Locked = ProximityPrompt.Locked

local LockedPrompt = script.Parent.LockPart.ProximityPrompt

local previousPlayer
	if Seat.Occupant then
		ProximityPrompt.Enabled = false
		LockedPrompt.Enabled = false
		local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Seat.Occupant)
		previousPlayer = player
	elseif previousPlayer then
		ProximityPrompt.Enabled = true
		LockedPrompt.Enabled = true
		previousPlayer = nil

Your solution fundamentally does not work in this person’s case. .Changed is a less effective alternative to :GetPropertyChangedSignal, which he already pointed out, does not work, because the property he’s trying to read on the client is not replicated.
We appreciate the effort you put into trying to help resolve his issue, but please don’t try armchairing people into changing their whole setup if they’re not interested.

I don’t see how you could get the player from that? Also I got the error FireClient: player argument must be a player object

:GetPlayerFromCharacter is a function inside of game.Players. You can view all of them via the developer API, much like the occupant property.

Can you show me your code and comment which line gave you the error?

Line 16 and I assume it will also come up on like 20

Server side:

local Seat = script.Parent.Parent
local ProximityPrompt = script.Parent

local Ownership = ProximityPrompt.Ownership
local Locked = ProximityPrompt.Locked

local LockedPrompt = script.Parent.LockPart.ProximityPrompt

local previousPlayer
	if Seat.Occupant then
		ProximityPrompt.Enabled = false
		LockedPrompt.Enabled = false
		local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Seat.Occupant)
		previousPlayer = player
	elseif previousPlayer then
		ProximityPrompt.Enabled = true
		LockedPrompt.Enabled = true
		previousPlayer = nil