Function isn't running useing :GetPropertyChangedSignal property

Replace the print(seat.Occupant) with print(“Connection ran”) and tell me if it runs when you leave the seat

Like this?

local previousPlayer
	print("Connection ran")
	if Seat.Occupant.Parent then
		ProximityPrompt.Enabled = false
		LockedPrompt.Enabled = false
		local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Seat.Occupant.Parent)
		previousPlayer = player
	elseif previousPlayer then
		ProximityPrompt.Enabled = true
		LockedPrompt.Enabled = true
		previousPlayer = nil
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Yes it runs when I leave the seat

If you print previousplayer, what does it give you when you exit the seat?

It prints SKETCHB0OK or whatever the players name is

Okay, try this instead then

local previousPlayer
	if previousPlayer then
		print("Player unseated")
		ProximityPrompt.Enabled = true
		LockedPrompt.Enabled = true
		previousPlayer = nil
	elseif Seat.Occupant then
		print("Player seated")
		ProximityPrompt.Enabled = false
		LockedPrompt.Enabled = false
		local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Seat.Occupant.Parent)
		previousPlayer = player
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Thank you so much that works. I appreciate that so much you’ve spent over an hour helping me lol

Also as a small heads up, an if statement without any comparison checks is doing the same as

if variable ~= false and variable ~= nil then

Basically checking for whether or not the variable is true, or exists in the first place

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