I come from a purely object oriented background, with my Lua experience mainly from Garry’s Mod where “entities” are tables which you can add functions to.
What I want to do is to essentially be able to say workspace.Light:Toggle()
Instead I have a ModuleScript called InteractionManager which has a function ToggleLight, where I pass in the light switch as an argument, which seems far more awkward and less abstracted as I have to import this into any script where I want to toggle a light switch.
Unfortunately there is no way to do this natively, you would have to use an object wrapper, or you can use a ModuleScript. If you’re interested in an object wrapper with a relatively seamless implementation (when I say seamless I mean have it automatically pass the instance to methods instead of having to do lightController.SomeInstanceFunction(lightInstance, value), I touched on it a little bit here, it would look something like this:
local lightController = {}
function lightController.new(light --[[light is an instance, probably some type of light]])
local newLightController = {}
newLightController.On = false
function newLightController:Toggle()
newLightController.On = not newLightController.On
light.Brightness = newLightController.On and 15 or 0
local metatable = {
__index = function(tbl,key)
if type(light[key]) == 'function' then -- this first check handles methods/functions that are inside of the instance itself
return function(tbl, ...)
return light[key](light,...) -- this calls the instance's method
return light[key] -- this returns the light instance's property
__newindex = function(tbl,key,value)
if light[key] ~= nil then -- we have to explicitly check if the value is nil, otherwise a value might be false and it will incorrectly "flag" (for lack of a better word)
light[key] = value -- assign the property
return setmetatable(newLightController, metatable)
return lightController
I haven’t tested this out myself but it should work. Let me know if there are any issues or if you have any questions.
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