Future lighting technology critically broken on certain experiences

Reproduction Steps
Issue occurs in Ultimate Driving, both in-game and in studio play sessions. Issue seems to stop when I switch the game’s lighting technology to something other than Future.

I initially thought this issue was limited to just my machine, but then began receiving reports from other players about this issue affecting the live game. Regardless, here’s my system specs:

This is apparently occurring on other games. I was not able to narrow down what is triggering this issue, or reproduce this in a blank baseplate. Deleting the clouds object, as well as all the post processing effects under lighting made no difference.

Expected Behavior
I expected the lighting engine to not create black artifacts blocking the screen.

Actual Behavior
The lighting engine freaks out and generates these horrific black artifacts all over the screen.

This clip was taken within Studio by myself.

This clip was taken in the live game by a player.

Issue Area: Engine
Issue Type: Display
Impact: Very High
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2021-08-19 00:08:00 (-04:00)
Date Last Experienced: 2021-08-19 00:08:00 (-04:00)
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As an aside to the original report, I have a hunch that this bug report might be related in some way, though I wasn’t able to confirm that I was triggering the same issue they were able to reproduce.


the same thing is happening to certain players in my game, however I am uncertain on how it is reproduced

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Finally Someone else has the issue… Was having problems creating a bug post but I also have this Issue Started this morning in my Tests around 12pm EST.
I Made no major changes to my game that could have caused it.

Edit: I would also like to add that this is only happening for PC players, maybe console as well. Mobile players don’t process this type of shading (Streaming enabled) is also on in my case.


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I don’t know if this is exactly the same issue, but as of the latest update, certain decals in my game are randomly turning black when viewed at certain angles (this is probably related to Z-Ordering, since it only happens in areas where you are near semi-translucent parts).

On Voxel lighting, the issue goes away:

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Thanks for the report! We are investigating.


Seems related, the transparency effect is now replaced with an horrific black pattern

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Issue should be resolved, can you please confirm? Thanks!


Can confirm, my transparency effect works fine now.


Definitely fixed, thanks for the quick response!


Looks like my issue with decals is fixed as well! Stellar response.

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Happy to see you guys having the issue solved, but it seems that I’m having the same issue as you guys here…robloxapp-20211001-1916127.wmv (7.4 MB)


I think I might be getting this bug again as well?


This only happens in future lighting, and under certain (darker) lighting conditions.

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