Game being extremely laggy when playtesting

So me and a friend of mine have been working on this vibing game for the past week, we have completed the entire vibe house, but when playtesting it, it shows extreme lag.

Any suggestions on how to fix this issue?


Have you used any free models?

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We’ve use some free models, but we didnt use a lot though


Check the scripts of them.

If you find any suspicious scripts then delete them. It could also be your plugins.


Check each of those free models for any scripts that look Malicious. If you have not had this problem in other games with the game Plugins you have now, I wouldn’t check the plugins.

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Ok we will try it out, thanks for the suggestion

I made some code that checks for Scripts in the in the workspace and ReplicatedStorage to make it a little easier in finding them.

for _,x in pairs(game:GetDescendants())do
		if x:IsA("Script") or x:IsA("LocalScript") or x:IsA("ModuleScript")then
			print("Script was found, name: " .. x.Name)

Updated to cover the game and all kinds of scripts.


I dont think it worked tho, but yea

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How much parts does the house have?

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This is normal, this could happen because of your PC, it can also be because of the amount of things inside of the game, but also as people have mentioned, it could be something from the toolbox which has a virus.

About the viruses in roblox studio, they are intended to make your game laggy or not working correctly, but this only affect in your game (Not sure if there is a way to do out of it), try ssearching inside the models and make sure there isn’t anything bad or weird.

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I guess over 1k+ parts, estimated

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My PC can literally handle more than 8k+ parts, but thanks for the suggestion tho

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Do you have any suspicious plugins or does the friend have any?

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The friend doesn’t know how to script, and no, there weren’t any suspicious scripts in it

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My bad, I did not realize I said “Scripts” Instead of “Plugins”

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Well no, there weren’t any suspicious plugins as well

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I updated the code to check all of the game,

for _,x in pairs(game:GetDescendants())do
		if x:IsA("Script") or x:IsA("LocalScript") or x:IsA("ModuleScript")then
			print("Script was found, name: " .. x.Name)

Also if you see any scripts with a require() in them, that are not yours; get rid of them 99.99% chance they are a virus.


You could try copying the game into another place, maybe is a problem related to the place by its self, also you could create a new one, using models or things you have tested out before in a separated place. I remember I got a thanos virus model once, it was hell.

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so, make a new script in workspace, and then add the code, and then run it?


Has anyone asked what the Memory Usage of the game is?

Everything else can be checked later. Literally the first step when dealing with performance issues is checking Memory Usage.

Check it now, take screen shots of the Place Memory breakdown, and come back here to post it.

This is standard troubleshooting. Don’t add code or start cutting away anything without doing the basic check to see what’s actually causing problems.