Game got completely removed from search


my game Garden Tycoon got completely removed from the search, you cant find it anymore.
It has 1.6M+ visits and went from 120 players to 10 because of that.
I already tried removing tags, disabling Localization, privatting the game for 5 mins but all of this didn’t work.
Roblox said engineers are looking into it but apparently they wont fix it anytime soon.
Did anyone here had this issue already and knows a fix?
Link: Garden Tycoon [PETS] - Roblox

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Maybe rename it to Garden Tycoon without [Pets] and wait 5 minutes and then look if it appears in the search and rename it back.

I have played your game once, because one of my friends played it :relaxed:

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It has probably broke some of the rules ?

No, it didn’t. Roblox staff said it might be related to keyword spam but i didn’t spam any keywords.

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I don’t think its related to [PETS] because I have that for years :confused:

I don’t really know then. You’re the only one who can do Keywords or other players can?

Only I can add keywords to my game, yes.

Have you added a lot? If yes , it probably got counted as a spam.

Keywords are normal words. If I put “Garden” in the description its a keyword.

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ik , i’ll check ur game description.

Okay so there is literally nothing. I could help you but sadly can’t.

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Then change it to whatever and see if it appears in the search

It won’t because they kinda “locked” my game. It doesn’t matter which name I choose.

Did you try searching up the exact name?

Yes of course lol. I did it soo many times.

This has happened to me many times. The search engine will put some of my games into the correct search results and then a day later completely hide them again for months while games with 0 concurrent players are top results.

I made a bug report thread on the issue: Game Search Algorithm Recommends Irrelevant Experiences