Game Lag Spike - Microprofiler shows high Replicator GC Job - Part/Model Removals - Part Removal (Streaming Enabled)

Hello, in my roblox game an issue started around 2 days ago on servers which have been up for longer than an average of 2 hours regardless of the player count
Randomly like every 20s, when the player moves around, when the player is in a busy area a lagspike happens and this shows in Microprofiler during the lag spike

I have removed all client scripts/UI one by one using ServerSide Dex then kicked all other players in one of these laggy servers but none of these solved the issue.

StreamingEnabled is on and has been on since the game release but the problem only started recently

The game also uses around 50 BillboardGui’s which are kept in ReplicatedStorage which idk if its relevant to the issue

I am unsure what causes it


Forgot to add - There aren’t any scripts that delete parts.
Parts are only removed when a player leaves the game as their vehicle gets autodeleted

Hey, we’ve been experiencing the same issue at our game; the issue started occurring on the 23rd. It does appear to be an issue on Roblox’s end. We did however adjust the StreamingTargetRadius and that did resolve the issue, however that’s not an ideal solution for us as we’d like to maintain a StreamingTargetRadius of 1000+.

Just a theory here, but this might be due to how your models are structured.

If you have really large models, models with a ton of sub-parts, or really spread out models. The model streaming can get kind of messed up and exhibit poor performance.

Try ungrouping some stuff, or setting a few of your largest models to persistent streaming and see if that improves things.

I’m not experiencing this in my own games, but I’m very deliberate and particular about how I handle model streaming, and alot of my finalized environments are entirely un-grouped so part streaming occurs one at a time instead of in-bulk.

We’ve reported this as an engine bug here: LAG SPIKES With Replicated Part Garbage Collection


@LD713821 are you able to provide a microprofile dump from when this is occurring? How long are the Replicator GC Job steps taking when this is happening?

What is the place id where this is being experienced?

Place ID = 17371491481

microprofile-20240528-153603.html (5.4 MB)

I’ve made a configuration change for that specified place. Can you confirm if the problem has been resolved?

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I’m in a server that has been up for an hour, and this shows up now. The game is much smoother and the issue has been resolved. Ill reply in 2 hours and re-test in the same server to see if its fully fixed.
Thank you! :slight_smile:


Seems to have fixed the issue, thank you

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