Game Stats showing incorrect statistics

On the games statistics page, in the DAILY stats, under robux made it is showing the incorrect number and often changes every few minutes, along with the visits and average visit length.

This started happening today, no way to reproduce the bug other than it just started on this game:

This happens on the stats page game id /stats

image 10:00PM EST
image 10:43PM EST
image 10:45PM EST

It’s weird because it’s not even like half of what we made nor like 10%, and its not the hourly either, it’s just an oddly low number. It’s also weird how the place visits change.


I’ve had this problem as well.

Me too^

I have this problem all the time!
They really need to make the developer stats page more reliable and easier for us to view our, near “real time” stats.

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Hi, I’ve had this problem for months. The daily stats displays vastly inaccurate robux counts throughout the day and the only time you can get an accurate reading is after the EOD (which is like 10PM PST from my reckoning?) The visits are also inaccurate, with the visits for individual age ranges sometimes displaying as higher than the total visit count.

This example is shown with robux in the images below.


This bug has been going on for months still unfortunately

Edit: It seems to be only bugged for the ones if you’re in the time of (looking at the hour/day/month it currently is)
Any old ones are accurate

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This is still a problem. It is very annoying, the daily game stats page will show me literally anything except the real values until the day is over. I have to refresh page 50 times because each time i refresh it gives me different numbers so i can have a better idea how we are doing during that day

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