Game won't copy something from server storage and my game errors


It is best to make everything yourself. I think it would honestly be better if you tried to understand what clonetrooper did and how he did it and then make your code. But even so it would be a daunting task to read 1600 lines of code so I would rather just see the idea of the game and make it myself.

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Yeah, but I am just trying to fix the 2013 version and not remake it or remaster it.

Where did he call the insert function?

Here is a youtube video on how it’s supposed to work (and includes the helicopter actually being morphed) This game originally used insert service and it worked fine with it but I wanted to just not use it and do something else.

so Im pretty sure that he was resetting an object. The original function puts it in workspace so see if it is in workspace in the hierarchy. If not, show me the error if there is any.

In the original code, he was deleting the old helicopter and putting in a new one with insert service. It would also go in the same position.

Oh ya you would need the InsertService if he wasn’t cloning or repairing a helicopter. Also when he uses loadasset it needs the roblox asset id which are numbers.

InsertService lets you insert objects directly from the roblox asset store

Yeah, the assets in my folder were named to the asset id

Yeah I know, but I don’t want to use it.

then what is the loadasset function

Like can you send me the code for loadasset function in this thread cus i dont want to reopen roblox now ._.

Here is my load asset code

local function LoadAsset(id) local model = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Inserts[tostring(id)]:Clone() model.Name = "Model" return model end

The old load asset function was the built in insert service one when the game still used Insert Service

how about using
local model = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Inserts:FindFirstChild(tostring(id)):Clone()

Still doesn’t work, let me look more into it…

It’s strange because it loads in the maps but it won’t load this helicopter in. I wonder if it’s something to do with the position?

Im so dumb. When you clone an object you have to set its parent. So after that put model.Parent = workspace. Sorry for the late catch.