Portfolio has moved. You can view this portfolio id you want, but this does not have my recent work. My new portfolio: GameDevSky | User Interface Designer | [MOVED]

UI/UX Designer

UI/UX Designer
Welcome To My Portfolio!
About Me
Hello! I am Sky, a person who is passionate about making UI! I have been on the Roblox platform for over 2 years now. I have been doing UI design for a decent amount of time now, and I enjoy UI designing a lot. This is my portfolio.
My Work
Here are some of my UI designs
Game UI
A codes UI I have created:
Some buttons and things I have done:
Random Thing I made
Some more UI
Website/App UI
My timezone is EDT/GMT-4/UTC-5. I am available to work a decent amount of hours. I can work 5-7 days a week. This can change, but I’ll keep this section of the post updated whenever my schedule changes
I accept payment in robux, and/or USD, maybe percentages. Payment can be discussed in PMs or DMs. I require at least 10% of the pay. I may ask to give more of the payment after finishing more work, but this can be discussed.
UI rates are negotiable. Website/App UI is being done. Contact me if you are interested in hiring me for Website/App UI.
Game UI is also being done so you can contact me for game UI as well. By the way, I can make the UI fit for other devices as well.
What Do You Think About My UI?
- The UI work looks phenomenal!
- The UI work looks really good!
- The UI work looks nice!
- The UI work looks decent.
- The UI work needs improvement.
0 voters
Would You Hire Me?
- Yes!
- No.
0 voters
Contact Me
You can contact me on the Developer Forum or Discord! Shoot me a PM and we can talk there and then I will tell you my discord username.
P.S. References for how you want the UI to look like would be great! If you do not have a reference(s), you can give me an idea of how you want the UI to look like, or I can plan out how the UI should look like if you have no references or ideas.
Also, these are just some styles of UI I can do. Cartoony UI mostly in my portfolio as of now, but I can do other styles such as minimalistic, modern, etc. Just tell me what kind of style, and I can do like a trial, and see if you like the UI in the style you are looking for, and we can continue
I also have a website for my portfolio and I will be updating it faster than my DevForum portfolio. Link: GameDevSky | UI/UX Designer