Gamepad Virtual Cursor - Studio Beta

I use the proximity prompts, but I don’t customize them.

Great to hear, thank you for the great feedback.

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One note on shift lock - suggest you figure out the best “default” controls for your game and implement that, rather than shift-lock. There is also a nice option for cameras in the system menu settings, where you can toggle the camera so you can move the camera without holding the right trigger. Could use that as the default for your game if it makes sense.


Appreciate your POV. The reality is developers don’t always have the time to do “everything”, if they are going to school, working a full time job, etc. This is a nice fallback if developers don’t spend time working on specific support for gamepads. Try playing Destiny, they make use of a virtual cursor, among many others.


The virtual cursor beta is ending soon, thank you to everyone who tried it and gave feedback! The next step for virtual cursor is a developer setting to opt in or out of the feature in their experiences. Initially it will be just opt in but will move to being enabled for all once developers have had time to incorporate virtual cursor. We know some games won’t work well with virtual cursor and we will work directly with those developers to resolve their issues and concerns. More details coming soon!


If I may ask, what will the customization abilities have been added alongside this update?

Hey! We appreciate the feedback around customization you have! We’re focusing on making sure we can get virtual cursor working well in all games. We want to avoid making any permanent changes (like releasing a fully developer facing API) while we see how virtual cursor interacts with more games on Roblox. We are looking at the feedback about customization though, but for now the functionality will be largely the same.


Hia! Any ETA on when this featured will be enabled?

Hello! We’ll be releasing the opt in/out setting soon to enable virtual cursor in your experiences, but if you’re asking about when the feature will be the default system, don’t worry, we don’t plan on doing that any time soon.

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Awesome! So this is something I’ll be able to use in my production experience soon?

That’s correct! We’ll post a new announcement once the changes are live!


Hia any updates on this? Really looking forward to the release of this

Just to make sure, this virtual cursor can still be disabled once its “fully out” and past the opt in stage? My games are specifically built for the current system and don’t work well with a xbox cursor.

Hi, you can see that question answered in the OP’s post.

Virtual Cursor Optin is live here: !

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Hey! Thanks for your patience, it’s live here !

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Will there be a way to change the cursor to whatever image you’d like?

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It’s already live, and I don’t believe there is a way to do this.

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Is there a way to force enable the mouse, instead of relying on users to press the select button?
If not, we need this feature!


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