Gamepass Order under game store page has been reversed

Recently I noticed my game’s store page shows gamepasses in newest to oldest order. This negatively impacts my sales as my most popular and expensive gamepasses are my oldest, therefore they are supposed to be first and at the top of the store page

Both my games were impacted, but especially The Conquerors 3 which has many gamepasses on the store page.

Expected behavior

Gamepasses should be shown in oldest to newest order.


Hi - just to confirm, you’re talking about the store tab in the games you linked and not creator dashboard right; and the original behavior was that the oldest game passes showed up first?


Correct. The game’s store page that everyone sees. The creator store page has not changed order

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Can confirm, same issue with my game, these are all in reverse order lol

Without any ability to re-order these, yes this is an important fix as developers purposefully upload gamepasses with the order in mind.

34% of players purchased my group’s gamepasses from the website. Data exclusive to gamepasses. Including dev products, and private servers, 26.9% of players purchased items from the website, for the totality of my group’s games specifically.


Yes the store page is super important. To this day I still get whales buying them all in the store page, but less so in-game. And I have my best and most expensive gamepasses carefully added at the top, as opposed to newer and less important gamepasses.

Really we should be able to sort our own gamepasses, but I dont expect that level of detail will ever be added.

Interesting, the tl;dr is basically we changed some of the underlying storage and the default behavior of the new one is to return newest → oldest. I merged in a change which should be live in the next coming days to revert the sorting back to oldest → newest. Please bump this thread/message if this isn’t the case.

as for the sorting game passes - do you mean having the option to custom order your passes? or to have more predefined options available e.g by price, age, name, etc. At some point in the past we considered the custom ordering feature but the implementation is non-trivial and we didn’t find a good way to evaluate the value it’d add. It sounds like it’d be worth bringing up again

I would really like to be able to completely customize the order of my gamepasses, in the same way I can choose the thumbnail picture orders. It would help a lot because my game is old and I can’t do much about the fact I released a really popular gamepass this year but its half way down the gamepass list because I uploaded other gamepasses before it all the way back in 2016.

I also would like the ability to choose gamepass orders because some of my gamepasses are similar to each other(same nation or same era(WWII, Modern, etc)) but their order is all messed up because I didn’t think to reserve extra gamepass slots for potential future gamepasses of the same type

And if nothing else, I’d like to be able to feature brand new gamepasses, popular or not, at the top so they get more views as they are brand new.

^ in this picture, I’d likely group the colors together if I could, for example

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Hello there!

I am also experiencing the same issue where game passes are now displaying in reverse chronological order on both the desktop app and website, but I want to provide more detail with some photos.

To clarify, it looks like this issue is only occuring on the website and desktop app version of each game’s Store Page, but NOT when I view a game’s store page via the Roblox Mobile App.

Attached are a few photos of what exactly has and is happening with game pass display order as of a few days ago:

[Before the change - Game passes are displayed in chronological order as expected]

[After the change - Game passes are now displayed in reverse chronological order, unexpected behavior]

In lieu of a feature per the developer’s discretion to change the display order of game passes for sale, I believe this unexpected change of reversing game pass display order both on the website and desktop app may harm game pass sales for already established games.

For further information, this is what the Store Page of Roblox Experiences looks like on the Mobile App (game passes are displayed in chronological order):

I am unsure if this is a correlated issue to the changes but as it stands I am unable to edit the pricing or put any gamepass up for sale. When I try to access the basic settings it just says “oops something went wrong”.

That is unrelated, should be same as this report instead: Unable to edit gamepass Basic Settings or Sales information

Agree this would be good to have. We have existing feature requests for this both for game passes and badges. It would be good to chime in there if you haven’t, to help boost the ability to prioritize those.

Unfortunately this is not trivial, it would take significant effort to adjust the database, query pattern and product behavior to allow this kind of modification. That’s not to say this won’t ever happen, just explaining that this is mostly the reason why we can’t “just” turn this on, so we really need folks to support the feature requests by replying or Liking.


I’m adding my request for an order feature too.

I think what we want is just a way for the website and apps to order how gamepasses are displayed similar to thumbnails so we can encourage more sales.

Roblox and developers’ goals in generating more revenue is aligned here because I am certain that I can increase my ARPDAU if I can choose which passes to display. Think of it like any shop. Let’s say a bakery only showed their cheapest white loaves in the window instead of all their amazing multi-colored glazed donuts and birthday cakes. That’s suicide for the business!

I didn’t think to order my gamepasses properly when I first created them and now only some boring looking passes are displayed on my game page in the app (it only shows 3 passes).