Gamepass "player every second 2x size"

we are use R15 character player,

we are have gamepass and changed it

my friend do say this not working

Please answer the above question, in addition, let me know where the prints stop.

script this not working

And what does that error tell us?
I will give the answer in my next reply.

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It looks like this script is intended to resize players’ characters in Roblox every second by setting the “BodyDepthScale”, “HeadScale”, “BodyHeightScale”, and “BodyWidthScale” values to 0.5.

The script uses the “wait” function to pause the script for 1 second before executing the rest of the code. It then uses the “PlayerAdded” event to connect a function to the event, which will be triggered every time a new player is added to the game. The function that is connected to the event waits for the player’s character to be added to the game using the “CharacterAdded” event, and then gets the “Humanoid” object of the character.

The script then loops through all of the children of the “Humanoid” object, looking for ones with the names “BodyDepthScale”, “HeadScale”, “BodyHeightScale”, and “BodyWidthScale”. If it finds any of these, it sets the “Value” property of the object to 0.5. This will reduce the size of the player’s character by half.

It looks like this script is intended to be used with a gamepass in Roblox, which is a type of in-game purchase that gives players access to special features or abilities. It’s not clear from the script exactly what the gamepass does or how it is related to the resizing of players’ characters. It’s possible that the gamepass unlocks the ability for players to resize their characters in some way, or it could be that the script is intended to be used as part of a gamepass that gives players the ability to change their character’s size.

Here’s what the final script might look like:

  if player:IsInGroup(GROUP_ID) then -- Replace GROUP_ID with the ID of the group that has the "CharacterResizeGamepass" gamepass
      local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
      for i, child in pairs(humanoid:GetChildren()) do
        if child.Name == "BodyDepthScale" then
          child.Value = 0.5
        elseif child.Name == "HeadScale" then
          child.Value = 0.5
        elseif child.Name == "BodyHeightScale" then
          child.Value = 0.5
        elseif child.Name == "BodyWidthScale" then
          child.Value = 0.5

This script will run every time a new player joins the game, and if the player has the “CharacterResizeGamepass” gamepass, it will wait for 1 second and then run the script provided in the original question to resize the player’s character.

my friend has not group,
(20 letters)