Games API docs reports a 404 on all pages

The Games API shows a page sayings "File Not Found <^)))< " on all URLs on the site

Link to a page effected: but all pages are like that

System info:

  • Windows 11 23H2
  • Firefox 113.0.3
  • User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:131.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/131.0

Expected behavior

The page should show a Swagger UI docs

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Yeah I had this problem too. This should work - Swagger UI. If you add a double slash (//) before docs, it will work.


Duplicate of:

You can find the legacy Games API documentation here: Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

Please note these endpoints do not support OAuth2.0 or API key, require cookie authentication, and these APIs do not have the same stability guarantees as some of our more official Open Cloud APIs.

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Oh wow–all docs are migrating to here, are they? Can we expect an announcement? Looks cool.

I’m waiting for a small update to how those pages are laid out before I respond to the other posts you mention above. We don’t currently have an “overview” page that refers to all of those swagger docs correctly.

I don’t think we’ll officially announce this, we do not want to overly encourage use of these older APIs since they only take cookie authentication.