Gate opening/closing at certain time

Hello! So I was making a gate to where it opened and closed at a certain time(In game). I have been trying to fix this issue for the past week but couldn’t find out what was wrong with my script. Could anyone help me with this? I am not sure if I have missed an error or if there is something wrong with the scripts that I have.

DayNightModule script
local Lighting = game:GetService("Lighting")

-- constants

local TIME_SPEED = 60 -- 1 min = 1 hour

local START_TIME = 9 -- 9am

local minutesAfterMidnight = START_TIME * 60

local waitTime = 60 / TIME_SPEED

while true do

minutesAfterMidnight = minutesAfterMidnight + 1



Gate Script
local GreenGate = game.Workspace.GreenGate
function ToggleGate()
	local Time = game.Lighting.ClockTime

	if Time == 6.5 then--Time that the gate will open
		game.Workspace.GreenGate.Parent = workspace
		print("Gate Opening")
		GreenGate.CanCollide = false--Allows players to walk through
		GreenGate.Transparency = 1--Makes it so players cant see it
	elseif Time == 12 then--Time that gate closes
		workspace.GreenGate.Parent = game.Workspace
		print("Gate Closing")
		GreenGate.CanCollide = true--Makes it so players cant walk through
		GreenGate.Transparency = 0--Players can see the part



local Time = game.Lighting

Thank you for the help!

A if statement will check if the condition is equal to something once.
I recommend using “.Changed” to and see if it is the certain time.

Rough Template Example:

local Lighting= game.Lighting

if (IF Time between 6.5 and 12) and GateIsNotOpened then
else if (Time is between 12 and 6.5) and Gate is Opened then


Where would I put this? I put it here but it is showing errors in the script.

local GreenGate = game.Workspace.GreenGate
function ToggleGate()

	local Lighting= game.Lighting.ClockTime

		if ( time between 6.5 and 12) and GateIsNotOpened then
		else if (Time is between 12 and 6.5) and Game is Opened then




local Time = game.Lighting

This is a “Rough Draft Format” as what would and could work.

In Lua,

 ( Time between 6.5 and 12)--This Doesnt Exist
if Time >= 6.5 and Time <= 12 then -- This would be the Propper format,

and GateIsNotOpened then-- The game doesn't know if the gate is opened or not
--you need to have some indicator like a true / false (bool) value to tell the difference

CloseGate() & OpenGate(), -- The game doent not know that these mean
--you need to define these functions and that you want the game to do when these functions are called.

local function PrintHi()

PrintHi()--Will call the function PrintHi which will print Hi!
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Didn’t you make the same thread a month ago?

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Yes. But it stoped working for me one day and I tried rewriting it but it wasn’t working for me.

Try using the script I gave you in the other thread and tell me if there are any errors in the output

Your gate works but when I have my Day/Night script it is not changing to night time. When I change it with HdAdmin it changes to the time I set it to for a second then changes back to the start time.

All this in one script should work

local Lighting = game:GetService("Lighting")
local ServerStorage = game:GetService("ServerStorage")

local OPEN_TIME = 7 -- Open the gate past this time
local CLOSE_TIME = 19 -- Close the gate at this time

function ToggleGate()
	local Time = Lighting.ClockTime

	if Time >= OPEN_TIME and Time < CLOSE_TIME then -- Check if the current time is between OPEN_TIME and CLOSE_TIME
		print("Gate open")
		local Gate = workspace:FindFirstChild'Gate'
		if Gate then
			Gate.Parent = ServerStorage -- Put gate back in ServerStorage because gate should be open
	elseif Time < OPEN_TIME or Time >= CLOSE_TIME then
		print("Gate closed")
		local Gate = ServerStorage:FindFirstChild'Gate'
		if Gate then
			Gate.Parent = workspace -- Put gate back into the game because gate should be closed


local TIME_SPEED = 60
local START_TIME = 9
local minutesAfterMidnight = START_TIME * 60
local waitTime = 60 / TIME_SPEED

while true do
	local Delta = wait(0.1)
	minutesAfterMidnight = minutesAfterMidnight + (Delta * TIME_SPEED)
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I see what the problem was. I was setting the time to change very fast so thats why it would do that. But I have it working again.