Try this one:
function LeftClick()
--your stuff here
its useless now there is a solution
Try this one:
function LeftClick()
--your stuff here
its useless now there is a solution
Hey, so I posted above - But I don’t think you saw it!
Here’s what I said.
Anyway, now looking at the model - I can easily help you out here.
local sModel = script.Parent
local GateParts = sModel .Gateparts -- This variable get's all of the parts within that model
local Button = sModel.Button
Your code should look like that so far
Now, for the other steps!
Now we want to detect when a player clicks the part, first off all we want you get the button variable we defined above (Button) - And detect when the ClickDector inside has been clicked.
And then, we want to create another function called “OpenGate”
Use the links I’ve linked below to help!
local function ControlGate()
-- We have our function created, let's go!
So now your code so far should look like:
local sModel = script.Parent
local GateParts = sModel .Gateparts
local Button = sModel.Button
local function ControlGate()
-- We have our function created, let's go!
We’re getting there!
Now, I want you to read up on loops.
Now your code should look like this.
local sModel = script.Parent
local GateParts = sModel .Gateparts
local Button = sModel.Button
local function ControlGate()
for _,v in pairs(GateParts:GetChildren()) do
v.Transparency = 1
v.CanCollide = false
Great, now we have (or should’ve) a working gate!
Although they are still some issues we could encounter:
Let’s fix this.
It should look like this:
local function ControlGate()
for _,v in pairs(GateParts:GetChildren()) do
if v.ClassName == "Part" or v.ClassName == "MeshPart" then
v.Transparency = 1
v.CanCollide = false
But wait, this doesn’t fix the issue on if the door is already open or not
This will be our next step
Now we need another variable, called “GateState” - Or whatever you want to name it, feel free to be creative. Oh, and we need a variable called “GateCoolDown” - This is how long you want to wait before the door can be opened again. - Also be sure to add a “CanBeChanged” variable so we can see if we can change the state of the door or not at that time!
With this, we’ll be doing a simple denounce effect - I personally use os.Time() rather than a variable denounce, but it isn’t needed for this - And we can talk about that another time. (Unless you want to look it up, feel free - Linked below!)
This is what your final code should look like - I hope it helped!
local sModel = script.Parent
local GateParts = sModel .Gateparts
local Button = sModel.Button
local GateState = false -- false as in it's closed!
-- Debounce variables
local CanBeChanged = true
local GateCoolDown = 1 -- This is in seconds!
local function ControlGate()
if CanBeChanged then
CanBeChanged = false
if not GateState then
GateState = not GateState
for _,v in pairs(GateParts:GetChildren()) do
v.Transparency = 1
v.CanCollide = false
GateState = not GateState
for _,v in pairs(GateParts:GetChildren()) do
v.Transparency = 0
v.CanCollide = true
CanBeChanged = true
Although this work’s perfectly fine for what you are doing, I personally would put all of the gates in a folder called “Gates” with each gate having its own model called “Gates” and have a script which loops through each time a click detector is clicked, (Which is located in ServerScriptStorage)
But what about detecting which gates are open, and their cooldown?
We would put the gates which are open into a table, and detect if they’re open along with a time until they can next be opened using os.time() and remove them from the table after if the current time is X amount of seconds ahead since the time the door was opened - But, you don’t have to worry about that - Unless you want to if so, I’ve placed some links down below to help you!
Read up on os here