I need to generate a number that goes from 0 to 180 where >30< is 0 and 15 is 180, been playing around with this a bit and I almost had it except it’s inverted and it’s based on 0 to 30
local ammo = 30
for i = ammo, 0, -1 do
print(math.ceil((i / ammo) * 180))
-- When ammo is 30, number is 180
-- When ammo is 0, number is 0
I’m entirely clueless at this point, any help is appreciated.
I think you’re looking for what is called a linear mapping operation. A linear mapping operation proportionally transforms a value between one range to another range. This is a fairly useful and common algorithm that is used in many applications. You can find a Lua implementation of the Linear Mapping function on RosettaCode:
Source from RosettaCode:
@param a1 (number) The lower bound of the range to map from
@param a2 (number) The upper bound of the range to map from
@param b1 (number) The lower bound of the range to map to
@param b2 (number) The upper bound of the range to map to
@param s (number) The value in the range [a1,a2] to be mapped to [b1,b2]
@returns (number) The value 's' mapped from [a1,a2] to [b1,b2]
function map_range( a1, a2, b1, b2, s )
return b1 + (s-a1)*(b2-b1)/(a2-a1)
Sub in your ammo value to ger a number between 0-180.
f(0) = 1/5(0)^2 = 0
f(30) = 1/5(30)^2 = 180
Edit: Not sure what value should equal what value. Your code says 0 should get 0, and 30 should give 180. Your title says otherwise. Let me know if this is the one you need.
You flipped your numbers between the reply and your topic … here are equations for both:
15 : 0, 30 : 180 ((x-15)/15)*180
15 : 180, 30 : 0 (1-(x-15)/15)*180
A tips for coming up with equations and relationships like this:
I always try to break things into alpha values. An alpha value is (at least in this case) a number from 0-1. For this equation the alpha is either (1-(x-15)/15) or ((x-15)/15). One of the reasons alpha values are nice is because it’s easy to flip them (reverse their trend) by doing 1-alpha (like I did to flip the trend between the 15-30 number here).
Edit 2: @V3N0M_Z has a great solution for a non-linear equation.