Why dont you just progrmatically put them on each self and space them out when a floor is created like I did with the green parts?
Could you show a picture of the problem please, again im a visual person
Apologies for the late reply!
As you can see, the floors are generating, but the elves are not moving up a level when needed.
if i >= 9 and i+1 % 9 == 0 then
local newElf = repStorage["T1 Elf"]:Clone()
newElf.Name = "T1 Elf"
newElf.Parent = elvesFolder
print("Moved up a floor.")
for a,b in pairs(newElf:GetDescendants()) do
if b:IsA("Part") or b:IsA("MeshPart") then
b.Position += Vector3.new(0,7.9*(i / 9),0)
Replace it with
if i >= 9 then
local newElf = repStorage["T1 Elf"]:Clone()
newElf.Name = "T1 Elf"
newElf.Parent = elvesFolder
print("Moved up a floor.")
newElf:MoveTo(newElf.PrimaryPart.Position + Vector3.new(0,7.9*(i / 9),0))
See if it does anything. Sorry if it didn’t work.