Get all game passes from a game and it's features

How can I get all game passes from a game and get stuff like it’s description, price, etc.

I noticed Roblox had an old web API for it but it for some reason no longer works, the link being:

Any way to do this with httpservice and/or a new API?

Update on Game Passes Have you tried that?

aw ok, thanks anyway!

I use
so site updates to my gamepasses update live for in-game GUIs

hmm yea, but it needs to get all the gamepasses even if I add or remove one, so that would still be kinda manual in terms of knowing the gamepasses

I don’t suppose all of your game passes do the exact same thing, so you can’t truly automate this either way. Somewhere you’ll have to denote which game pass does what, so you may as well keep a list anyway.

That is true, but they have somewhat shortened the process of getting the gamepasses.

Don’t know what you mean, sorry. Doesn’t seem relevant to what I’m saying.