Hello. This doesn’t seem to work for me. the link provided is the one from before, and it says access denied, even after I provided the studio version. Am I doing something wrong?
Hello . May I know if it is possible to find the lsit of properties sorted like the properties? eg)data,appearance,localisation,selection
Sorry, I didn’t understand what you meant
he means the category that the element is in btw
I made this tool for this task
honestly, i tried using this for a ‘replacement’ script where it replaces something like a frame to a textbutton, but why does [“Frame”] only have [“Style”] and not everything else? like backgroundcolor3, Zindex, etc
It’s because frames are GuiObjects (which is a base type such as BasePart)
You can check this by doing frame:IsA(“GuiObject”)
All the properties under the GuiObject are shared between every sub-class
For anyone in the future reading this; there exists a resource that does this already.
API Service
oh hm, i guess i will try it later if i find the project