Get Group from Group Name

So I just learned that you can get somebody’s profile by using:
(Replace builderman with the desired username.)

Does anyone know if there is something similar for groups?

To clarify, I’m not talking about a search query. I’m talking about directly referencing a group by its exact name.

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Have you tried using GetGroupInfoAsync

Hope I understood you correctly.

Unfortunately, GetGroupInfoAsync requires a GroupId. I’m trying to get a group by its exact name and nothing else.

Thanks anyway

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Maybe this thread would help.
You could get group info from its name using that method.

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There is the group API, /v1/groups/search/lookup

local HTTP = game:GetService("HttpService")
local groupName = "" -- group name

local data = HTTP:GetAsync(""..groupName)

data = HTTP:JSONDecode(data)
if > 0  then
	local group =[1]

This isn’t tested, but it should work.


It says it’s Error 403 (Forbidden) for me. The proxy used is probably the issue, but the functionality is what I was looking for anyway. Thanks you for the reference.

I’m not sure, but this request might require you to provide your ROBLOSECURITY. I have used this proxy for every other thing like inventory API, marketplace API, etc. so I can assure you that it works.

I’ll have to look into that later. For the time being, I only needed this to find an unlisted group. Thanks again

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For sake of if anyone ever comes across this post looking for such a thing in the same way.

Step 1: Go to the V1 Group API Page.
Step 2: Scroll Down to Search Lookup

Step 3: “Try it Out”