Hello! I recently created a plugin, and want to have a notification telling people to update, or telling people that it is a reupload of it and not letting them use it. I’ve seen it in Cutscenify, how would I do it? I thought of using MarketPlaceService:GetProductInfo(), but could not find anything to help. So, I ask you guys, how would I do it?
Most of these plugins do it manually by updating the description and comparing some part of it to a variable or element in the plugin, then showing an outdated warning if the plugin’s description and the identifier in the current plugin script don’t match up.
I don’t really understand how Cutscenify’s works. From what I saw in the source code, it just checked for if something was enabled and if it was, then created a plugin update warning on the screen.
A smart way, which @VoidedBlades informed me about, is by getting the DevForum topic HTML (through HttpService::GetAsync) and finding the specific element which holds the version. If that version isn’t equal to the current then it needs to update.
Since you can’t reach roblox domains with HttpService, you’ve gotta use a proxy for this ie. rprxy.xyz.
I’m thinking of using HttpService. How would I do that without enabling it? I’ve seen some other plugins do that with a prompt asking for access to a certain site.
I believe if HttpService hasn’t been enabled then it won’t exist (I can’t be sure on it though).
The prompt is automatic whenever the plugin uses any HTTP request method.
rprxy.xyz gets terminated for usage if too many requests are made. I prefer using e.g. heroku as proxy, See This forum post about it. The post explains really well how to set it up and all. What I did is retrieve the version from the url the proxy sends back and use that as a notifier to users that a new version is available.
You save the plugin locally to test it out, when uploaded everyone will receive a HTTP request prompt at the beginning. that’s the inevitable. just explain that there are no malicious intents bound to it if that’s true atleast.
Hi, I’m the creator of Cutscenify. The way the update warning works is that when you update the plugin to the latest version, it will alert the user that they will need to restart studio for the plugin to work as intended since updating a plugin will run another instance of that plugin (only updated) which can break the existing instance of the plugin.