GetFriendsOnline Broken

I know there were changed to some friends API, but this one I don’t think should have been affected.

GetFriendsOnline no longer includes ‘UserName’ in the tables it returns. I don’t believe this change was announced and it’s breaking our games.

This is happening across all games.


Thanks for flagging. The change that caused this has been rolled back, and the Names behavior for GetFriendsOnline will not change with the deprecation changes detailed in Updating Friends API & Deprecating IsOnline property from GetFriendsAsync. The issue was related to sequencing rollouts for that.


Thanks for the report. We’ll follow up when we have an update for you!

Hey… you should really read the replies before logging these bugs internally. The reply above yours is from an engineer stating it’s been fixed, he just doesn’t have the staff badge for some reason :sob: