GetPrimaryPartCFrame() has an offset from the actual PrimaryPartCFrame

I’m trying to tell the server where to place a model. The model is in one spot on the client, but on the server, is offset for whatever reason. I’m sending the model’s PrimaryPartCFrame() with GetPrimaryPartCFrame() through a RemoteEvent, like this:


And then, on the server, make a new item and set its CFrame like this:

event.OnServerEvent:connect(function(plr, cframe)
   --Pretend item exists for the sake of clarity

I see no reason why the item is offset. I’ve tried just reading the primary part’s CFrame the old-fashioned way (primarypart.CFrame) to no avail.

Gif of the issue:


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How big is the offset?
There are known issues with SetPrimaryPartCFrame offsetting models by a bit.

I made a gif in the OP to show the issue. It’s a significant offset.

I’ve used this method to place items in the past and everything worked like a charm. Don’t know why it isn’t working here…

Did you try comparing sent CFrame and received one?

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That was a good idea. Unfortunately the CFrame being received is the same as the one being sent.

Here’s my full code. Maybe there’s something here I’m missing?

events:WaitForChild("PlaceItem").OnServerEvent:connect(function(plr, itmname, cframe, pcolor, scolor)
    if true then --Add checks here later.
	   local item = game.ReplicatedStorage.Furniture:FindFirstChild(itmname)
	   if item then
	     item = item:Clone()
	     item.Colors.PrimaryColor.Value = pcolor
	     item.Colors.SecondaryColor.Value = scolor
	     item.PrimaryPart = item.Primary
	     item.Parent = game.Workspace

Are you sure that you’re not modifying relative positions on client and that you don’t have two parts called Primary?

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I changed the primarypart on the server model. Thanks so much!

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