:GetProductInfo().Sales returns 0

MarketplaceService:GetProductIndo(id).Sales will always return 0 on any asset. Pasting this code into a Script and running it will reproduce this bug. All of the Id’s in the script have more than 0 sales.

local marketplaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
local ids = {
	120919705, --T-shirt
	146305863, --Shirt
	144524878, --Pants
	142283157, --Hat
	185280084, --Model
	67825289,  --Decal
	209290837, --Gear
	119812765, --Face
	6340258,   --Head
	156286438, --Audio

local types = {"Image", "T-Shirt", "Audio", "Mesh", "Lua", "HTML", "Text", "Hat", "Place", "Model", "Shirt", "Pants", "Decal", "", "", "Avatar", "Head", "Face", "Gear", "", "Badge", "Group Emblem", "", "Animation", "Arms", "Legs", "Torso", "Right Arm", "Left Arm", "Left Leg", "Right Leg", "Package", "YoutubeVideo", "Game Pass", "App", "", "Code", "Plugin", "SolidModel"}
for i=1, #ids do
	local info = marketplaceService:GetProductInfo(ids[i])
	local stats = {
		--"AssetId: "..info.AssetId, 
		"AssetTypeId: "..types[info.AssetTypeId], 
		--"ContentRatingTypeId: "..info.ContentRatingTypeId, 
		--"Created: "..info.Created, 
		--"Creator: "..info.Creator.Name.."("..info.Creator.Id..")", 
		--"Description: "..info.Description, 
		--"IsForSale: "..tostring(info.IsForSale), 
		--"IsLimited: "..tostring(info.IsLimited), 
		--"IsLimitedUnique: "..tostring(info.IsLimitedUnique), 
		--"IsNew: "..tostring(info.IsNew), 
		--"IsPublicDomain: "..tostring(info.IsPublicDomain), 
		--"MinimumMemberShipLevel: "..(info.MinimumMemberShipLevel or "N/A"),
		"Name: "..info.Name,
		--"PriceInRobux: "..(info.PriceInRobux or "0"),
		--"PriceInTickets: "..(info.PriceInTickets or "0"),
		--"ProductId: "..info.ProductId,
		--"Remaining: "..(info.Remaining or "N/A"),
		"Sales: "..info.Sales,
		--"Updated: "..info.Updated
	print("       ")
	for i=1, #stats do
	print("        ")

I noticed this when my Mannequins were not properly showing the sales:

Repro Steps:

  1. :GetProductInfo(id).Sales on an item that has sales
  2. Watch as it returns 0

I’m pretty sure it wasn’t always like this. I have a command in my IRC bot to show the stats of any asset and it also contains the number sold - if Sales always returned zero, then I probably wouldn’t have put it in as it would be pointless.

It didn’t use to do this. If you use it now it will always return 0. I think my title is a little misleading, sorry about that.

EDIT: I changed the title