:GetSpectrum AudioAnalyser function is not working!

So, i’m having trouble getting the spectrum of my audio analyser, the RMS level and PeakLevel properties are both working and being updated but whenever i try getting the spectrum it returns an empty array. I’ve tried getting help from other posts but it seems like nobody else has had this issue so far. What am i doing wrong!!!


Heres the quick code i came up with:


	print("\nSPECTRUM:", script.Parent:GetSpectrum(), "\nRMS:", tostring(script.Parent.RmsLevel):sub(1, 18))

And this is what my current setup looks like

Have you tried this with a server sided script?

for anyone that stumbles upon this (this post appears on google)

We will be temporarily disabling AudioAnalyzer:GetSpectrum while we investigate an issue. We’ll re-enable this after reviewing and optimizing its capabilities & performance.

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Ohhh, okay thank you so much, i completely skipped over that when searching for similar problems

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