Getting closest Part to screen center

sup, so I have this code that gets parts from a folder that are visible to the player and puts those parts in a table.

My problem is I’m trying to find the part that is the closest to the center of players screen.

I’m trying to get the Vector2 Magnitude of the part’s screen position and center position.

I’ve tried searching this up on the forum but can’t seem to find what I’m looking for.

Hopefully I’m understanding what you are trying to do.

You can get the players camera Vector3 like this

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera

local CamPos = camera.CFrame.p

Then you can just loop through each part and get the distance between them using .Magnitude then return the closest one.

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Not exactly, I already got a loop that finds the parts that are visible to the player, however I’m trying to find which of those parts are the closest to the center of the screen. This post: Check if object is near the center of the screen?
Is kinda what I’m going after

Here you go. Let me know if you have any troubles.

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera

local PartsTable = {}

local CamPos = camera.CFrame.p
local ClosestDistance = math.huge
local ClosestPart = nil

for i = 1, #PartsTable do
	local Part = PartsTable[i]
	local Distance = (CamPos - Part.Position).Magnitude
	if ClosestDistance > Distance then
		ClosestDistance = Distance
		ClosestPart = Part

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In the following picture the Part in the black circle is closest to screens center, The other parts are in the table with ClosestParts, I’m trying to get the distance between all the parts (ClosestParts) and find the one that is the closest to the screen center. In this case the one in the black circle.

Recorded this video using this script. I’m not sure how to get only the parts in the camera view, but I’m sure you can find that on another thread.

Edit: Just reread and saw that you already have a script to get the parts you need to loop through.

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera

local PartsTable = game.Workspace.Parts:GetChildren()

while true do
	local CamPos = camera.CFrame.p
	local ClosestDistance = math.huge
	local ClosestPart = nil
	for i = 1, #PartsTable do
		local Part = PartsTable[i]
		Part.Color =,0,0)
		local Distance = (CamPos - Part.Position).Magnitude
		if ClosestDistance > Distance then
			ClosestDistance = Distance
			ClosestPart = Part
	ClosestPart.Color =,1,1)
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You can get the 2d point on the screen by using a method from the camera WorldToViewportPoint, then using magnitude to get the distance from the center of the screen:

local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
local parts = {} -- table of all the parts
local screenCenter = Camera.ViewportSize / 2 -- Getting the center of the screen

local closestPosition = math.huge -- The current closest position a part is from the center
local closestPart -- Closest part

for _, Part in pairs(parts) do
    local positionOnScreen = Camera:WorldToViewportPoint(Part.Position)
    local magnitude = (screenCenter - screenCenter).Magnitude -- Getting the distance from the center of the screen
    if magnitude < closestPosition then -- Checking if the part is closer to the center than the previous parts checked
        closestPosition = magnitude
        closestPart = Part

print(closestPart) -- Prints out the closest part from the center of the screen

Hi, i think this would work but how could i loop it to constantly check the part and change that closest part to a random color

You can put the statement inside a while loop and use BrickColor.random for a random color.