I’m using it to get every person’s name in a table
i’m not sure if it’s exactly what you’re looking for, but this article provides some pretty good information regarding table.concat()
If you are trying to get individual names and do stuff with it I think it is better to use a for loop, but if you just want to display it you can check out the link dane sent
I’m trying to get everyone’s name in the table is the problem.
TrainerTableS is not defined, that could be the problem
If its not defined it says Unknown Global “name”
Ah, I made a spelling error. Thanks for notifying me. However, it’s erroring with this after I fixed it.
can you show us the line that errored?
What’s it calling on line 39? hm
I think it is table.concat(tableName, “spacing”), so
value = table.concat(TrainerTable, '/n')
This works, but when I add multiple fields it stops working.
can you give us more details? what “fields” are you adding
Alright, I did fix the issue where it was not sending multiple fields. However, I needed to add a value in there for it to send the field. How could I make is so that it would say N/A if there were no players on that team?
i think you can do
local table = --get team players
if table then
--send players
--send N/A
oops I got it the wrong way
How would I use that here, though.
wait you are using tables to store the players in a team right?