Getting output warning every time on click of "Script" tab in Studio

  • Latest Version of Roblox Studio 0.636.0.6360625

Visual example:

Beta features:
All of them with the new gen studio UI preview;

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Gonna mention @butterthebig since they tend to be super helpful with addressing these kinds of issues with the new Studio UI.

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Yep, this is a known issue with the Next-Gen Studio preview. It should just be outputting that line to the console and there are no other side effects (afaik). Thanks for letting us know! I believe we already have a fix for this that will be coming out soon:tm:

We’ll be addressing feedback and providing updates in the Next Gen Studio Preview megathread here!


Thank you! By the way, your link is invalid haha!

Works on Chrome for me, very weird. Haha

ooop, that’s weird. You can find the “Next Gen Studio Preview” post in Announcements. The non-pretty link should just be this: Next Gen Studio UI Preview is here! [Beta]

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