Getting the X-CSRF token from roblox

I used the endpoint to get the x-csrf token from roblox, this worked fine until recently I’ve noticed this endpoint does not work anymore and would return a 404, this caused my group bot to stop working.

So I’m wondering if there is another way to get the token?
Sorry if this is not the right place for this.


Hey, if you still haven’t figured it out, you can use:

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This may be a little late but I get the X-CSRF token by going to the home page then by parsing through the html to find it (just get the script tags and boom)

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Make post request to with cookie. Check headers response at x-crsf-token.


Is the X-CSRF token generated valid for the entire session or only for a certain period of time?

( Update: Based on my experience, it changed every 2 minutes. )

I’m not exactly sure how it would work for actual users who are just using the website, but back when I was constantly pulling the tokens for a bot (using the link @Diltz_3 provided), it would re-generate every 1-2 minutes or so.

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