The docs say GetUserThumbnailAsync returns 2 values, the content and whether the image is ready for usage, but a simple print shows it returns 3 values
local result =
table.pack(game.Players:GetUserThumbnailAsync(100, Enum.ThumbnailType.HeadShot, Enum.ThumbnailSize.Size48x48))
There’s no information about that, unfortunately.
I tried my best to approximate the result since I suppose the function makes some API call using HttpRbxApiService, but there aren’t more returns that could approximate the second boolean.
“targetId” is the ID you specify, doesn’t exist in service return
“state” could be “Completed” → true or “Pending”/“Error” → false
“imageUrl” is the… URL you are supposed to use
“version” seems to be a concatenation between a “T” and an “N”, in which the service function returns the “n” with the version number, both cases match “3”.
I took an interest since it does seem like an interesting question. Hope this unblurs the answer by a bit. You’re going to need an engineer to tell you what the third parameter actually means.
Thanks for the idea! I didnt think to look into the APIs, speaking of which do you have any list for all of roblox’s endpoints? This is the best one I found yet: