GetUserThumbnailAsync returns 3 values, what is the third one?

The docs say GetUserThumbnailAsync returns 2 values, the content and whether the image is ready for usage, but a simple print shows it returns 3 values

local result =
    table.pack(game.Players:GetUserThumbnailAsync(100, Enum.ThumbnailType.HeadShot, Enum.ThumbnailSize.Size48x48))
  20:53:54.136   ▼  {
                    [1] = "rbxthumb://type=AvatarHeadShot&id=69&w=48&h=48",
                    [2] = true,
                    [3] = false,
                    ["n"] = 3

Does anyone know what the third value is?


There’s no information about that, unfortunately.
I tried my best to approximate the result since I suppose the function makes some API call using HttpRbxApiService, but there aren’t more returns that could approximate the second boolean.

  • “targetId” is the ID you specify, doesn’t exist in service return
  • “state” could be “Completed” → true or “Pending”/“Error” → false
  • “imageUrl” is the… URL you are supposed to use
  • “version” seems to be a concatenation between a “T” and an “N”, in which the service function returns the “n” with the version number, both cases match “3”.

I do suspect the “false” could be the isCircular (noFilter = true in the “imageUrl” would be isCircular = false, reversed boolean) parameter which the request URL has, since the parameters you inputted match the URL:

I took an interest since it does seem like an interesting question. Hope this unblurs the answer by a bit. You’re going to need an engineer to tell you what the third parameter actually means.

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Thanks for the idea! I didnt think to look into the APIs, speaking of which do you have any list for all of roblox’s endpoints? This is the best one I found yet:

I also sometimes use that one as the list. I don’t know any better ones, though.

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