"Ghostwalker" & "Icedagger" do not display as transparent on the website

Ghostwalker and Icedagger do not display their accurate transparency level on the website.

^^ (Icedagger’s transparency script appears to no longer work, so this is one is just an example of how it should look like.)

I believe this behavior to not be intentional, as in the past these items have appeared transparent on the website.

The solution to this would be setting the transparency on these items’ handles to their transparency level stated on the script. (0.7 on Ghostwalker and 0.5 on Icedagger)

This can be seen working on the item Ghostfire Sword, which has a transparency level of 0.25 on it’s handle.


CMIIW but this seems to be related to my bug report where certain gears are not displaying their transparency: Certain Roblox Gears Not Transparent in 3D Asset Preview

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The gears you listed in your report have a transparency on the handle as intended, but don’t appear transparent in 3D view. The ones I’ve reported here have none at all, but are supposed to. Both about transparent items, but different issues!


When I read, I thought it sounded similar to my case, but I thank you for clarifying it! :pray:

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This is just an acknowledgment announcement!

We’ve filed a ticket to our internal database, and we’ll follow up when we have an update!

Thanks for the report!