Git Sync Plugin - The Missing Link Between GitHub and Roblox Studio!

Title (6)by Roller_Bott

The safest, most efficient way to interact with your GitHub repositories from Roblox.
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Feedback is appreciated! Below the introduction is a comprehensive guide to using the plugin!

Hello, DevForum. I present to you… GIT SYNC! This plugin is relatively intuitive, but I have also created a guide if you need it. GitSync allows scripters, aspiring scripters, and script users to store their work on an easily accessible cloud-based GitHub repository! If there are any errors, contact me through messages or comments!

TIP - You can move the plugin windows by dragging them from the center with your mouse!

:white_check_mark: SAFE: Confirmation popups have been added, but still make sure to be careful when pushing and pulling items! Undo doesn’t work on Source changes!

Obviously, it all starts with installing GitSync. To do this, you can either scroll down to the “Links” section or use this link. Once you have the plugin installed, it should show up in the plugins tab of Roblox Studio. If you don’t see it, try searching it up in the “Plugins” section of toolbox or restarting Roblox Studio.

Once you have GitSync installed and accessible, you will see two buttons: a toggle button (Figure 1) and a settings button. Right now, we will focus on the toggle button. Once you click the toggle button, you should see a window identical to the one shown in Figure 2.

Figure 1: Toggle Button


Figure 2: Work Window


The next step is to fill in the information boxes at the head of the window. To do this, you will have to go to GitHub and go to “Developer Settings”. The path to get there is detailed below.

Figure 3: Profile Picture Menu Button

Figure 4: Settings Sidebar Button

Figure 5: Developer Settings Button

Profile Picture Menu > Settings > Developer Settings

Once there, you will need to create a Personal Access Token. The method necessary is detailed below.

Developer Settings > Personal Access Tokens > Tokens (classic) > Generate new token > Generate new token (classic)

Figure 6: Classic Token Sidebar Button


Figure 7: Generate New Token Dropdown


At this point, it is time to set the settings of your Personal Access Token. The GitSync plugin only requires that the repo scope be selected, like in Figure 8. After you finish naming your token, setting the expiration date, and selecting the scope, you should click the green “Generate Token” button at the bottom of the page (Figure 9). Finally, the last thing you need to do is copy your personal access token by clicking the “copy” button (Figure 10). Now, all you need is your repository!

Figure 8: New Token Settings


Figure 9: Generate Token Button


Figure 10: 'Copy Token' Button


When you are ready, paste your token and repository path in their corresponding text boxes in the plugin (Figure 11). Your repository path should be in the format of user/repository-name. For example, if my username is John and my repository name is potential-disco, then the repository path that I enter into the plugin would be John/potential-disco. These parameters save and persist across Studio sessions using plugin:SetSetting() after you enter or change them. This way, you don’t have to worry about saving your Personal Access Token or creating a new one every time you use the plugin! Once you have these values entered, you are ready to use the plugin!

Figure 11: Work Window with Values Entered



Pushing with GitSync is as easy as selecting the scripts you want to store/update and clicking a button. Specifically, the button shown in Figure 12. This button will turn green to indicate success and red to indicate failure. Make sure to check your output widget for important response information, especially if an error has occurred.

TIP - When selecting scripts to be pushed, don’t worry about the placement! Any Instance that is the ancestor of a Script, LocalScript, or ModuleScript will have its descendant scripts stored with the rest of the scripts.

Pushing uploads/updates your GitHub repository with a folder directory that runs all the way up to the name of the Place you are working in. When you pull your repository, this structure is maintained. To select the scripts that you want to push, CTRL + Click on scripts and script ancestors in the explorer (Figure 13). When you click on these, the scripts selected should be displayed in the work window (Figure 14). You can make sure your repository has been updated by using the built-in Repository Viewer, which is discussed later on (Figure 17).

Figure 12: Push Button


Figure 13: Scripts Selected in Explorer


Figure 14: Selected Scripts Displayed in Work Window


Pulling is even less complicated than pushing. When pulling, you have the choice to either:

  1. Select nothing and pull all your entire repository into Roblox Studio as a directory of folders and scripts
  2. Select specific scripts and have their Sources updated. The scripts in the repository that are not selected will still be imported, but they will not directly and instantly change the Source of a script.

Pulling using the second method is safest when there are no folders involved, and strongly advised against for the sake of preventing lost progress. As stated way above, Undo does not affect modifications made to a script’s source code. As a result, the best way to pull files is the first way: selecting nothing and clicking the pull button (Figure 15).

When you pull your repository, your scripts will populate the workspace (or the selected object) in a directory of folders that mimics the organization of the repository. When you push these files back to GitHub, try not to push them from inside the imported directory folders, because this will likely result in more nested, empty folders the next time you pull your repository.

Finally, every script is pulled and pushed with metadata attached (Figure 16). This can be observed in the form of the -- @ScriptType: ModuleScript/Script/LocalScript comment(s) at the top of your script(s). You are free to delete these comments on Roblox, but deleting these comments on GitHub will result in the script being pulled as a server-sided script rather than whatever class it was specified to be.

Figure 15: Pull Result of First Method


Figure 16: Metadata


The third and final taskbar button on the Work Window is that of the Repository Viewer (Figure 17). The Repository Viewer is like an explorer window for your repository. Using the Viewer, you can see everything in your repository, regardless of whether or not it’s a script! The Repository Viewer has live updates, which allow it to serve as proof that your files have been successfully pushed to GitHub (Figure 18).

Figure 17: Repository Viewer Button


Figure 18: Repository Viewer Before Pushing to GitHub


TIP - Clicking on files in the Repository Viewer opens a popup containing their Source code! If you click on the blue, bolded names that represent folders, you will open a new window inside the folder (Figure 19) !

Figure 19: Repository Viewer After Pushing to GitHub


At last, it is time for the settings button to shine (Figure 20) ! When you click the settings button, you will open the Settings Window (Figure 21). This window contains information about branches, which we will dive deeper into shortly. The Settings Window, just like the Work Window, can be closed by either clicking the button a second time or clicking the “Close Window” button (Figure 22) that I neglected to mention earlier.

Figure 20: Settings Button


Figure 21: Settings Window


Figure 22: 'Close Window' Button


In the Settings Window, we can manage our branches. Although there is currently no way to delete a branch, new branches can be created by typing any name that doesn’t already exist into the prompt (Figure 23). If you type in a name that is already taken, the plugin will switch to that branch. Otherwise, a new branch with the inserted name will be created and switched to. There are also buttons below the textbox prompt to streamline branch switching and minimize error (Figure 24). These buttons represent existing branches, and pressing one will automatically set your branch to the text shown in the button you just clicked.

Figure 23: Create/Set New Branch Prompt


Figure 24: Existing Branches List


All Field Guide Images
Figure 1: Toggle Button


Figure 2: Work Window


Figure 3: Profile Picture Menu Button

Figure 4: Settings Sidebar Button

Figure 5: Developer Settings Button

Figure 6: Classic Token Sidebar Button


Figure 7: Generate New Token Dropdown


Figure 8: New Token Settings


Figure 9: Generate Token Button


Figure 10: 'Copy Token' Button


Figure 11: Work Window with Values Entered


Figure 12: Push Button


Figure 13: Scripts Selected in Explorer


Figure 14: Selected Scripts Displayed in Work Window


Figure 15: Pull Result of First Method


Figure 16: Metadata


Figure 17: Repository Viewer Button


Figure 18: Repository Viewer Before Pushing to GitHub


Figure 19: Repository Viewer After Pushing to GitHub


Figure 20: Settings Button


Figure 21: Settings Window


Figure 22: 'Close Window' Button


Figure 23: Create/Set New Branch Prompt


Figure 24: Existing Branches List


All Tips and Warnings

:white_check_mark: SAFE: Confirmation popups have been added, but still make sure to be careful when pushing and pulling items! Undo doesn’t work on Source changes!

TIP - When selecting scripts to be pushed, don’t worry about the placement! Any Instance that is the ancestor of a Script, LocalScript, or ModuleScript will have its descendant scripts stored with the rest of the scripts.

TIP - You can move the plugin windows by dragging them from the center with your mouse!

TIP - Clicking on files in the Repository Viewer opens a popup containing their Source code! If you click on the blue, bolded names that represent folders, you will open a new window inside the folder (Figure 19) !

Concerning the Usage of AI

(ChatGPT & Gemini were consulted in my creating this project. Don’t worry, they didn’t do that much work for me. I used them as guides when I didn’t know how to solve a problem and I couldn’t find a solution in any forum. If it eases your minds, it still took me forever to make this. Like, literally forever (ok I lied its impossible for it to take literally forever because I can’t live that long). You don’t have to worry about me missing the canon event of suffering through plugin development!)

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Really interesting - I guess this plugin removes the need for VSC? (for those who don’t want things like linting & styling etc.

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I would say to an extent, because it is my understanding that this plugin does not have as many capabilities as Rojo. I am pretty sure it’s impossible to access local repos from a roblox script (it would probably be a security risk), so people who want to use git will still want to use VSC (and/or similar methods of editing scripts).

If someone was only seeking to interact with GitHub and the functions offered by the plugin (pushing/pulling scripts & directories, creating/switching branches), then it could be used as a simpler alternative. (Correct me pls if I made any mistakes)

Can it upload builds too

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Not as of right now, although I started exploring this possibility after I read your question, and I think it might be feasible through json files (encoding whatever just big tables (arrays whatever)). I will let you know (probably by responding to this thread) if this method works reliably when I find out. The most tedious part will be creating a way of getting the properties.

Haven’t given the plugin a try, but it sounds cool. May I know how you made this plugin? Thanks

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GitHub’s REST API. I used a lot of functions to check different things. I honestly don’t know if I did it in the most efficient way I could have done it. I separated my functions into 4 modulescripts. 1 called “Interactions” that contains the pretty push and pull functions (pretty b/c the code is mostly in other ModuleScripts), 1 called “Functions” containing a list of small/average-size functions (some unused) used to retrieve and handle data using HTTPService, 1 called “Settings” containing functions for handling settings (this one is useless right now), and 1 called “Style” to make it draggable. My reasoning behind all this was that I wanted to be able to understand my code later on. The majority of the functions are in the super long modulescript named “Functions”. The main script is called “Plugin” and everything is a descendant of it. In Functions, I also use 2 base64 functions I found on devforum to send and receive scripts to and from GitHub. I used gsub to append and remove “.lua” to the files.

Basically, when you click the push button the plugin calls the push function in Interactions, which uses the Functions module to get selected objects and check if the file already exists before either creating a new file or updating an existing one.

Clicking the pull button works similarly, but it instead cycles through the repo directory checking for scripts. It then replicates the directory in Roblox Studio by making scripts and folders based on the file paths of the scripts (ish).

The repo viewer and “available branches displays work in a way that feels similar to periodic fetching (b/c they are just displays and don’t change anything), but I just periodically call a function in the Functions module that is similar to the function for the pull button. The important difference is that the repo viewer function does not explore deeper than whatever level the file path is on (like if there is a folder it will display it but not search it). This way, the plugin can create new repo viewer windows when a developer clicks on a folder by using the same function. The branch display is updated using the “/branches” endpoint. Branches are created using “POST” when the current branch doesn’t exist. I use plugin:SetSetting() and plugin:GetSetting() to save the current branch, the repo path, and the token.

You didn’t really censor your token properly, you can still see enough to know what the token is.

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Yes, I realized I actually completely forgot to censor the token in one image. However, I deleted the token after I used it for the field guide, and the account it is attached to is not particularly valuable to me. I appreciate your concern, though :+1:.

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This is seriously amazing. It’s fairly straight-forward if you know what you’re doing.

  • One thing I would love to see - If there was a way to make a “Settings” page where you could enter your token and then click a “Save” button or something similar, that would be ideal. That way your token is kept more private.

  • Second - The text boxes that you enter the repository and token information in have “placeholder text” describing what you need to enter into each box, however, the text doesn’t clear when you start typing. If that text could be changed to placeholder text that clears when you start typing, that would make it feel so much smoother.

Overall, this whole project works super well and makes working with GitHub super easy. I will definitely be recommending this to everyone I can! Thank you so much!

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Haven’t tried it but you should make it open source so people can contribute.

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Sure, I don’t see why not:

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