Giving option for xbox players to communicate with others is allowed?

You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!

I want to allow xbox players to communicate through signs and DMs. Already know how to

  1. What is the issue? Include enough details if possible!

I’ve heard it’s apparently not allowed, but many games allow xbox communication and they’ve been up for ages.

Problem is with my game is that I’ll need to outright say “Xbox players can communicate” in order for the game to work, none of the games i’ve seen outright mention this.

  1. What solutions have you thought of so far?

Asking you guys lol.

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What kind of chat system for Xbox does the game have? Is it just normal chat or words you can pick? Besides, old games like Work at a Pizza Place used to have chat on console but got removed because of TOS. Roblox said they are working on adding chat to consoles, on an announcement I saw somewhere.

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It’s a textbox and the text is displayed on a sign.

Since the game has been up for years like you said, I guess having text on a sign would be allowed, not an actual chatting system .

But isn’t that basically a chatting system? Mine’s sorta similiar, so can I add it?

I’m not sure. It might just be best to not add one in case of risk of getting your game deleted.

But why is that game still up then i’m so confused.

Just played the game to see what you were talking about. Thats not a chat system/ communication system. All you’re doing is customizing a sign, and I don’t think you can even see the text on console.

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You can, I tried it on xbox myself.

I’ve just tried it also, there is no way to chat or communicate with other players. The only thing you can do is customize a sign that you can hold or place down. Not against tos.

Sorry I came back after a while, yeah you can see the text on all devices and you can write it on all devices. So this is allowed correct? because thats what I was thinking of adding.

However, in the game that I’m making I will have to specifically state that xbox players will be able to communicate through signs or messaging other players like DMs. I thought customizing a sign with a text is basically that. Will that be allowed

Now this is allowed. But in about a month or two it won’t matter since they are bringing chat to console next year, so you’ll be able to anything you want when it comes to communicating/chatting

Welp there goes the whole game idea, if only someone told me earlier :frowning: where do they show they’re adding communication to console btw? Is there a link?

Here, was suppose to be here this year, but got delayed.

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Well, not really. As Xbox worked with Roblox, I believe to make Roblox meet its age requirement on the Microsoft Store on Xbox. Maybe because the chat had some problems to it that they took it down for? More on that here: Xbox players can no longer chat, resulting in major loss of playercount - Bug Reports / Xbox Bugs - Developer Forum | Roblox

but to communicate with players you’ll use signs and private DMs, i’m pretty sure other games have already added that allowing xbox players to do it too. except they dont outright mention you can communicate on console with pc/mobile. but i will. idk if that changes anything.

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