Gold Clockwork Headphones have a misaligned headband and texture issues

Reproduction Steps
Play any game wearing the Gold Clockwork Headphones or view them on the catalog in 3D.

Expected Behavior
The headband should be aligned correctly, and the letter on each side should not be significantly pixelated. On R6, the bottom of the headband should not be distorted.

The headband is centered correctly on the “Blue Clockwork Headphones”.

On “Clockwork’s Headphones”, the letter on each side has good quality.



The bottom of the headband has good quality on the “Blue Clockwork Headphones” for R6.

Actual Behavior

The headband is positioned more toward the right speaker.

The letters (L and R) are significantly pixelated on their corresponding sides (for R6 and R15 surprisingly).



On R6, the bottom of the headband is distorted.

Date First Experienced: 2024-02-22
Date Last Experienced: 2024-03-09


This is just an acknowledgment announcement!

We’ve filed a ticket into our internal database for this issue, and we will update you when we have further information!

Thanks for the report!