Here’s 10 suggestions that you can possibly do:
1 - Spend an hour, minimum, looking into lighting opportunities within the game to see what works well
2 - Edit your current lights to a point that you’re happy w/ them.
3 - Bring more greenery into the place.
4 - Make that fireplace look l i t
5 - Change the wall decal into a texture
6 - Add a pillow or two to the couch
7 - Add a drying rack for the clothes
8 - Add some endings to the carpet
9 - Have doors
10 - Make the reception area bigger, seems kinda thin ngl
good ideas but on your number 10 there aint a reception area
I recommend adding roughness maps to some of the wall textures.
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ok thanks any textures in mind?
Change the walls to fabric so the roughness won’t look like plastic.