Good Tips and Videos on Modelling Terrain

Hi! I am working on a map for my game, but I want to make it so that the map feels hillside, as that is how the location is. I don’t like Roblox’s current terrain, as I can’t make it work with my game’s structure. Does anyone have any good videos or tips for modelling terrain which I can improve from?

Here are some video links!

This is for advanced terrain

This is for realistic terrain, I’m more of a low-poly person, so I can’t give to many ideas, but hope this will lead you into the right direction!

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This post is very helpful for making (large-scale) and realistic terrain: Large-Scale Roblox Terrain: The ultimate guide

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@apenzijncoolenleuk1 @mireval
Alright, I will check these out


There are many methods for modelling terrain, you should consider diving into getting a few helpful plugins that have the capbailitys for modelling and adding variation within it, is a good plugin general ideas on what type of terrain you wanting to create or go about. Playing around with certain styles and see what suits your liking.

What style of terrain your wanting, do you mind clarifying in your thread (realistic, cartoony, semi realistic)? so you could get comfortable with the tools you have different selections and tools to go about this whether using materials generating terrain and playing around with it so on and so forth.

If your into modelling your own terrain Blender is a good choice, there are tutorials for ways making more detailed and immersive terrain with just using the Roblox terrain tool. However it may be something that will come in handy there are many resources and videos related to this.