Collect plants or have your slime pick them up for you!

I think he just grab the stuff from the ProfileService example which does that…


I’ve honestly never used profile service but why would you think they do that?


Just to check if a player is a descendant of players which means if the player is in the Players service.


From my experience if the player is moved from the playersservice or removed they get kicked from the game, plus they only way they would be moved is using serversided code. Super Weird


The player variable comes from the parameters of the playerAdded event, which is a descendant of players upon the event occurring.


This line is from the official ProfileService example code Save your player data with ProfileService! (DataStore Module)


According to the comments, it is possible the player left before the profile loaded that’s why that check is there.


So that can be excused, but why the == true?


That could be summed up as personal preference, some people think doing that makes the code more clear. It’s likely this scripter didn’t care about that though and just copied that from the example considering they don’t use thay practice consistently.


The code is actually very standard and not “weird”. He is using valuebases because he is making leaderstats.

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The code is completely normal, there is nothing “esoteric” about it.

The line that says if player:IsDescendantOf(players) == true is completely valid for checking if a player is still connected since they will be removed from the players service when they disconnect. In fact it is used in the template code that loleris provides with ProfileService.

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I didn’t know that until bytesleuth mentioned that it was correct. I had never used ProfileService before.


Okay so pro tip: don’t call people’s code “esoteric” and “not sure if he was blinking in and out of sobriety” if you don’t even know what the code you are referring to does.


The person who wrote the code scammed OP out of 20,000 robux after pretending that they could do the scripting they were hired to do. Further, why are you targeting me when other people also made negative comments about the script.

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This is good! As long as you pay after its completed and not before

Never pay for something they wont let you test/play

How I commission and do commissions is either, half up front, half later and they get to see the entire process, start to finish. Or same thing but they pay in full at the end

while commissioning someone else its pretty much the same and if they arent willing to do it then its probably a scam

remember to ask for portfolios with numerous examples and maybe even place links


If you do it right it can simply only take 6 months before you become decently experienced enough to make a good game. I’m saying from personal experience.


I was able to test/play while he was coding. The issue is that, I didn’t know that you couldn’t reset or rejoin while another player is in the server without breaking the game’s data. I figured this out after he began ignoring me.


thats a crazy bug, dont even know how that would work
if you do test you should always get a friend or the commissionee to join and do rigorous tests


You shouldn’t feel intimidated by the scammer’s code and apparent “5 years of experience.” You can become proficient at programming significantly faster than 5 years. And almost all people on these forums don’t insult people who are actually trying to get better and/ or starting out (this excludes the scammer), so don’t feel afraid to ask for help.


I’m usually that friend, I end up crashing games a lot. One time when I was developing I crashed studio 10 times in an hour :sob: