Grabbing asset thumbnail

Old lua you used to be able to use ““..asset_id..”&width=420&height=420&format=png” but roblox changed it and I havent figured out a way to get an asset thumbnail to goto a discord webhook. Any feedback or help would be great.

local data = {
				embeds = {{
					author = {
						name = player.Name,
					color = tonumber(0x34eb4f),

					fields = {
							name = 'Player',
							value = player.Name .. ' / ' .. player.UserId,
							["name"] = "Account Age",
							["value"] = player.AccountAge.. " days",
							["inline"] = true

							name = 'Asset Id',
							value = asset_id,
							["image"] = {
								["url"] = ""..asset_id.."&width=420&height=420&format=png"

I hope this helps.