Grabbing people tilts and and makes wyvern player begin to scoot

heyhey it’s me again with a painfully specific issue that probably has a really simple and dumb solution

  1. What do you want to achieve?
    My wyvern model to not tilt and scoot away backwards when I grab someone

  2. What is the issue?
    I’ve got two skinned meshes (wyvern and human character) and I had a grabbing script that worked just fine for a while. On clicking someone, it welded their HRP to yours. This wasn’t good enough though, as I wanted the person you yoinked to move with the wyvern. So I attached a part to the wyvern’s head bone with a rigid constraint and welded the yoinkee to it instead of the wyvern’s HRP.
    It looks fine at first, buuut as you can see in the video after like 5 seconds the wyvern tilts and decides to head out. Backwards.

    I’m so confused. The target being attached to the bone so it moves with the animations is pretty crucial, so I need this to work or else people will just be floating around.

  3. What solutions have you tried so far?
    I assumed it was issues with collisions so I turned off CanCollide on all parts that would touch. Exact same thing happens. It worked perfectly until I welded the target to the part with the rigid constraint that’s attached to the bone instead of the wyvern’s HRP.

Is this not something I can do without getting flung? It seems to do exactly what I want for a bit before shit hits the fan


so this is correct but the humanoid automatically sets cancollide back on
you would also need to make all the parts Massless


How would I make it not do that then? I manually turned off collision on the parts necessary in studio, then did 2 player testing in studio, then made sure to check if they still had CanCollide off when I was testing and the same thing happens with massless on everything but the HRP, too.

idk but collision groups would work

I put the human in one collision group and the wyvern in another and made them not collide with one another. I even made sure by running into the wyvern. Went right through. Then clicked the human character and still got blasted away

then its most likely the players mass messing with it. im guessing your using weld constraints, you could use AlignPosition and AlignOrientation

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i was using a rigid constraint. Does AlignPosition and AlignOrientation work with bones? I used those instead and the part is nowhere near the wyvern and dude floats
im not launched though, so that’s something

i edited some things and it KINDA works but he drags way behind and it looks dumb as rocks

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so you seem to have done it correctly, you just need to use SetNetworkOwnership now (or your alignposition/orientation isnt fast enough) when the player gets grabbed, your gonna want to set the HRP network owner to the dragons hrp

I’ve added this to the script that welds the characters


enemyRootPart is the human’s HRP, char is the player (or the dragon)

did nothing
i dont think that would do anything anyway, the part itself that the human is welded to so it moves with the bone drags behind when using AlignPosition and AlignOrientation.
Overview, a part is connected to the head bone with AlignPosition and AlignOrientation. The human is then welded to that part. The part that is connected to the head bone lags behind where it should be, so the human does too.

check out this How to weld two rigid bodies without one interfering with the other's physics? - #18 by Aspecturu

Funnily enough I’ve actually seen that already when I was looking for help before posting that and didn’t see how I could work that solution into here/everything there I’ve already tried? I tried setting network owner and nothing changed.
Maybe I did something wrong, I’m new to this so I don’t 100% understand why his physics r screwing up the wyvern’s if I turn off collisions and it’s kinda hard to troubleshoot when I dont quite get how player physics work in this specific of a thing

I had exactly the problem as described in this thread – except in my case I was having an NPC hold a ragdolled player.

When I got the player to set the CanCollide=false themselves (while they were in the physics state, and network ownership on the server for all their parts), it worked out in my case.

Alternatively, I found that force setting CanCollide=false on the server after PostSimulation each step worked as well.