Grammar/Functions on the CFrame page needs to be updated

On the CFrame page, there is a few typos in the page including the use of .LookVector being represented by .lookVector (improper naming).

Located in ( Vector3 pos, Vector3 lookAt ), the wrong use of .LookVector

and incorrect spelling the word It as Itt

Located in the Finding a LookAt Vector section, the wrong use of .lookVector persists.


These examples could just as well say look vector, since they are talking about the idea, they aren’t in the context of a code example or preceded by a dot. CFrame.lookVector and CFrame.LookVector are also both valid, and likely will be until the end of time (because actually removing either would break too many games). Likewise for CFrame.p and CFrame.Position, and all other basis vector getters. fromMatrix and a few other newer functions can’t be capitalized, so there is an inconsistency there.

What is most incorrect in these examples are the uses of it’s that should all be its. This is bizarre inconsistency in the English language itself, as 's is the correct possessive form for most other singular subjects.

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