Grand Admin | A simple, secure, lightweight, very customisable and easy to use admin script

Patch - v1.6.1

  • Fixed the sign and other object based commands offsetting incorrectly for R6 players

  • Fixed the example custom command ‘time’ using the incorrect property on game.Lighting

Plan to add private message command like /pm?

How would that work? Roblox already has a /w command for Whispering, unless you mean the messages command, but only appears for one user?

yeah like /message, you know that send a player ui of the message, and can reply it back.
Like in Adonis etc?

I’ve never seen a feature like that before. What would be the usecase of a reply feature for it though?

See Adonis Admin and try to use /:pm, like /:pm me hi, it’s useful.

Update - v1.7.0

  • Added a keyboard shortcut to bring up the command bar
    (key can be changed or disabled in settings)

  • Added a new chatlogs command

  • Added a new permban command

  • Added search textboxes to the logs, bans and commands GUIs

  • Increased loading speed for command logs list

  • Adjusted the transparency on some of the widgets to make text and buttons easier to see

  • Bug fixes

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Update - v1.8.0

This update includes some quality of life improvements, improvements to logging and yet again, another name change. I promise this will be the last time!

  • Completely redone and optimised the commands logging feature

    • Removed the commands log cooldown and limit settings as they are no longer needed
    • Increased the command log count limit from 128 to 3000
    • Added a page navigator (view up to 30 pages)
  • Added a page navigator to the chatlogs widget (view up to 10 pages)

  • Added a new /performance command to view client/server stats (client FPS, ping and server age)

  • Small optimisations to the main script

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Hey! First of all, I want to say that I love this project and what you are doing, and I have a suggestion. A kill log feature would be very nice, in many games you can check who kills who by using a command such as “/killlogs” or “/klogs”. It could be similar to the already existing chat logs and command logs features. Keep up the good work!

Edit: Another useful command I see is the “/countdown” or “/cd” command which let you create a countdown and have a GUI display for everyone in the server counting down for the amount you put.

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I’ve never really considered a kills log as a lot of games don’t have PVP, and all weapon systems behave differently meaning it can be hard to track who was killed by who. It’s better off that the owner creates a custom command for their game.

As far as a feature like /countdown goes, i’ve thought about it, but im not sure if it’s necessary for an administrator script. I’ve never really had a proper use case for it.

If you can tell me a few use cases then i’ll be sure to consider it!