Green Café | Alliance Application
Thank you for taking an interest in becoming allies with Green Café! We are always looking for active and growing communities to ally with! To become an ally, you must meet the requirements then answer the application questions below and send it to a Chief Relations Officer or any SHR on our communications server.
Partnership Requirements
- Group must be professional and friendly.
- Group must be active.
- Group must have a professional and well-rounded staff team.
- Group must have a communications server.
- Group must be effective at keeping close communication with our group.
Application Questions
[1] What is the name of the group you are requesting an alliance for?
[2] Why do you wish to allies with Green Café?
[3] How will this alliance benefit both groups?
[4] Who are some of your group representatives that we can speak to?
[5] Describe your group for us. What is it about? What can people do in it?
[6] Please link your Roblox group and communications server.
Once you have completed the application above, make sure to send it to us then allow up to 48 hours for a response. If you have any comments, questions, or concerns, don’t hesitate to tell us!
dry_iced ~ Chairman of Green Café